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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Six Word Saturday Physical Education Edition

It's Time for Six Word Saturday at Show My Face Dot Com.

My Six:

The Burpie Challenge: 64 to 25 

I was driving in the car today with Amy and the family and Amy mentioned doing burpies in Jr. High or High School gym class.  I told her I didn't know what a burpie was.  I some how got roped into training to do 25 burpies by my birthday which is 64 days from now.  SO  Sunday, September 23rd my 48th birthday I will be attempting 25 burpies.  Hopefully, I will know what they are by then.

For more Six Word Saturday Click here.


Anonymous said...

When you find out, do tell!

Anonymous said...

Burpies hurt but they do you a world of good. Well done for taking up the challenge!

Ron. said...

I did a burpie once, almost two decades ago. I'm almost over it now. Good luck to you.

Wayne W Smith said...

Burpies happen for me after a trip to Taco Bell - though I may be interpreting the phrase differently than you.

Actingbalanced said...

Good luck with your challenge!

Anonymous said...

I had to chuckle at your double listing on the linky (*lol*).
Good luck with the Burpies! Keep us posted!
McGuffy's Reader

joanne said...

what the heck?!

Mlissabeth said...

You have us intrigued. Good luck on your challenge. Although I turned 48 about 5 months ago, if it is a physical thing, I probably couldn't do more than two. :)

soulbrush said...

Okay now you have even me intrigued across the pond, so let us all know you hear!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25