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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I forgot all about Amnesia

I was looking through some of my older writings as I wanted to share a poem I wrote about the transition from winter to spring when I lived in Russia.

I discovered some song lyrics I wrote a few years after that when I was attending seminary in Columbia, South Carolina.

I gave the lyrics to my friend who put them to music and performed the song at a chapel service. We had been studying the prophets in one of our classes, and I decided to write a song summarizing one of the theme's of the prophets the cycle of rebellion of Israel. In the second part of the song I transitioned from Old Testament Israel to modern day America. This was written and performed in 1996 so the references are dated.

Looking it over 14 years later, I am not quite sure how I feel about the song. Thought I'd give it a spin here.

Word by David Roller
Music by Jeff Six
Israel, oh Israel those who bear my name
Why do you act like other gods and I are just the same
Israel oh Israel what's it going to be?
What do I have to do before you'll turn to me?
You were my chosen people in my promised place
Made to be a blessing, you trampled on my grace.
Israel oh Israel I cry over you
Why do you keep forgetting what you're supposed to do
Israel oh Israel what's it going to be
What do I have to do before you'll turn to me?
Israel oh Israel I still wait for you
I am your God and Father worship what is true
Israel oh Israel it's time to make your choice
Serve your own desires or listen to my voice
Israel never returned, I sent them away
They serve as a witness, even to this day
America, America land of the free
Free to do just as you please, you walk away from me
America, America what's it going to be?
What do I have to do before you'll turn to me?
Did I give you freedom just to gain your wealth?
You were free to worship, you exalt yourself.
America, America, I cry over you
Why do you keep forgetting what you're supposed to do?
America, America what's it going to be?
What do I have to do before you'll turn to Me?
You've had riots and you've had wars but you would not turn
AIDS and Oklahoma City. Will you ever learn?
America, America, I still wait for you.
Remember your God and Father. Worship what is true.
America, America it's time to make your choice.
Serve your own desires or listen to My voice
Remember Israel!
Next Time: April Fool

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Six Word Snackdown

My six words:

Sneak Cheetos, get caught orange handed.

For more Six word satisfaction head over to show my face dot com.

Next Time: I forgot all about Amnesia

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Things Fortnightly

Time now for Things Fortnightly.

Thing 1 Diagnosis Blogger

Last week's episode of House was centered around a sick blogger. While there were aspects of the program that I was not fond of, the blogger theme worked quite well. I especially liked the dynamic between the blogger and her friends/followers.

There is a scene when her friend is visiting her in the hospital. The patient is blogging and her friend is reading her posts as opposed to just visiting with each other. This was unexpectedly poignant to me as the last time I saw my brother alive, I was visiting him in the hospital and showing him video's of my kid's biking that I had posted on my blog.

Thing 2. Nostalgia for teenagers

Have you seen the Because of camp commercial? As a former camp counselor, and a camp guy, I think it is pretty cool. I do have a problem with Emma Robert's part. She says that because of camp she built lasting relationships with people she keeps up with to this day. My problem with that is: She's 19! She was probably 17 when it was filmed! I have t-shirts that are older than her! If camp is such a life changing experience where you maintain lifetimes of friendships perhaps we could get a spokesman who is at least the drinking age!

Thing 3: My 8 year old gets it!

We have been in the car a lot lately. Field trips, doctor appointments, family visits: the stuff life is made of. This means I have been subjecting my kids to talk radio. It seems I have passed the talking to the radio gene on to Charlie.

One of the radio hosts we have been listening to lately has a habit of calling the USA the greatest country on God's green earth. After hearing that about 3 times, Charlie starts talking to the radio and saying it is not the greatest country! Other people like their countries just as much, and things of that nature. We as a family are very thankful for our heritage as Americans. We are looking forward to our trip to Washington D.C. later this spring. But Charlie gets that our patriotism stems mainly from the fact that we were born here. As he continued his conversation with the radio, he went on to say how much better a country Heaven is than America could ever be. While Heaven is not on God's green earth, Charlie still knows what country it is better to have your citizenship in.

Thing 4: Chuck and the World Chucks with you.

There are some Internet acronyms that have just not taken off yet. So when I say Chuck is the BTSSB you might not know of which I speak. Chuck is certainly the best thing since sliced bread, and in the last Things Fortnightly, I shouted its praise from the tops of something. Two weeks after the BEE (Best Episode Ever) things in Chuckville are still kicking it old school. The most recent episodes Chuck Vs. The Final Exam was particularly awesome. It had an excellent "Man who Shot Liberty Valance" moment that blew me away.

Thing 5: I see that hand (I just choose to ignore it.)

We took a field trip this week to a working fire house.

At the end of the tour, the fireman who was showing us around asked if anyone had any questions. Lucy raised her hand, which given her penchant for Lucyisms, usually frightens me. The fireman called on her and she asked a pretty good question for the general population, which means an amazing question for a 4 year old, and a pretty miraculous one coming from her. She asked when do you guys (fireman) sleep. The fireman said that when he is working a night shift, he tries to go to bed early, so he can get some sleep before the calls start coming in.

Some of the other parents, and children asked some more questions and then Lucy raised her hand again. She not only raised her hand, she said "I have another question." The fireman called on her again and this time she said, "My favorite color is purple.". Now, that's the kind of "questions" she usually asks!

Well those are my things for This Thursday. Thanks for stopping by

To play along just click on Mr. Linky.

Next Time: Snack Time

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Children and Cousins and Nephews oh my!

I just noticed that I haven't posted in about a week. Things have been kind of busy lately and I thought it would be nice to tell you a little about what I've been up to.

Yesterday Charlie was in what is called Sparksorama. It is a competition between different Churches AWANA clubs in the same kind of games they play at AWANA. Charlie and his team of other K-2nd graders had been practicing for over a month for the games. We drove over to a community college near our church in the snow to get to the games.

3 0r 4 teams (called a circle) squared off against each other at a time in different events like this one.

Charlie's team came in first place in their circle. We all had a fantastic time cheering him on.

After the games we went home for a few hours and then we drove to Oak Park to seem Amy's cousins who are near Emma and Charlie's age in a play. The play was Seusical the Musical. One of the cousins had a really good role as a trouble making Ape. The other played a who and a seusslike circus animal. The play was put on by Christian Youth Theatre (CYT) and it was very enjoyable. Amy's aunt caught me crying at the end of the play. But hey I'm a sensitive guy!

Today we were going to just relax and enjoy Sunday after church at home relaxing. However when Amy's sister invited us to visit her new baby Connor, we jumped at the chance.

I got to hold Connor for quite a while. I gave him up for a little while so the kids could get a photo op with him . . .

Amy's mom made some fantastic Chicken and everybody had a good visit. This week is going to be another busy one but I promise I'll post again before next Sunday!

Next Time: Looking for Calvin and Hobbes

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25