I am at a waiting room, cleaning out the pictures from my i-pod. many of them were for blog posts that I haven't quite got to yet. So here's a few fragments about them.
Photo Fragment 1
That's no majestic sunrise/sunset. It's just a lamp post over spider droid working on snow board moves on his sled.
Picture Fragment 2
Many libraries offer a read to a dog program. My oldest kids have done this. But puppy, our resident dog lover never had before this. Here she is reading to Samson, who is from a Sox fan family and paid a lot of attention to me because I was wearing my White Sox jacket.
Here she is in action . . .
Photo Fragment 3
This pic is already on the blog. I show it here to illustrate that it is generally not much of a problem to get all 3 kids to pose for a good photo. But when you try to add an adult in, like when Amy and I took the kids to the Brookfield Zoo in late December, you get something like this.
Amy and Bunny look great. Puppy and Spider Droid look goofy.
Photo Fragment 4
I lived in Khabarovsk Russia for 2 years in the early 90's. Khababarosvsk is located on the Amur River. So when I'm at the zoo I always like to see the tigers and leopards that hail from that region. Hers is a picture of an Amur Leopard.
Well that's enough fragments for one day. For more fragments, join Friday Fragments at Half Past Kissing Time.
I do, however, have time for one more photo.