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Monday, January 23, 2012

As a Former Fetus . . .

Fits me to a T
My life in T-Shirts

It's been a while since I posted about about some of the t-shirts I've worn that best speak to who I am/was/will be. 

Today's shirts goes back more than 20 years to my college daze.

I used to frequent our local Christian book store and buy lots of cassettes and c.d.s as well as books.  He had a pretty good t-shirt selection.  Most Christian T-shirts at the time were parodies of popular secular t-shirts.  Those were so not me.  So I generally stuck with Christian Music shirts or the occasional bible verse shirt.  Until one day I met the shirt that really spoke my mind.  It said as a former fetus I oppose abortion.  This was written inside a picture of a fetus's foot print.  On the back it had several foot prints in different stages of life. 

I loved that shirt and wore it as often as I could. 

Of all the times I ever wore that shirt, only one time did someone say it offended them.  It was never my intention to offend, just to express my opinion.  I asked that person if any part of the shirt was untrue? Technically, I formerly was a fetus.  Truthfully, I do oppose abortion.  Since aborted fetuses never gain the opportunity to weigh in on  the abortion debate, as a former fetus I felt the need to say I liked staying around. 

Not sure what ever became of the shirt.  Some twenty years later, I am sure I've outgrown it.  I just haven't outgrown the sentiment. 


essay help said...

Great work! Thanks a lot.

Cheryl Lage said...

Love this. Was just thinking about how by law one can make an ultimate life-ending decision for their child, but cannot even get caramel sauce for apple dippers at McDonald's anymore because it's not "healthy." Where's the consistency?

Great post.

Linda Fischer said...

zipping through this because I have to leave five minutes ago, but I love your blog.... love the "reading to a dog" program, and your "fetus tshirt. Found you from the A-Z list.... I'll be back to visit! :)

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25