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Friday, January 27, 2012

Fragments of photos Ipod Edition

I am at a waiting room, cleaning out the pictures from my i-pod.  many of them were for blog posts that I haven't quite got to yet.  So here's a few fragments about them.

Photo Fragment 1

That's no majestic sunrise/sunset.  It's just a lamp post over spider droid working on snow board moves on his sled.

Picture Fragment 2

Many libraries offer a read to a dog program.  My oldest kids have done this.  But puppy, our resident dog lover never had before this.  Here she is reading to Samson, who is from a Sox fan family and paid a lot of attention to me because I was wearing my White Sox jacket.

Here she is in action . . . 

Photo Fragment 3

This pic is already on the blog.  I show it here to illustrate that it is generally not much of a problem to get all 3 kids to pose for a good photo.  But when you try to add an adult in, like when Amy and I took the kids to the Brookfield Zoo in late December, you get something like this.

Amy and Bunny look great.  Puppy and Spider Droid look goofy. 

Photo Fragment 4

I lived in Khabarovsk Russia for 2 years in the early  90's. Khababarosvsk is located  on the Amur River.  So when I'm at the zoo I always like to see the tigers and leopards that hail from that region.  Hers is  a picture of an Amur Leopard.  

Well that's enough fragments for one day.  For more fragments, join Friday Fragments at Half Past Kissing Time.

I do, however, have time for one more photo.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Disney on Ice: Puppy dares to review Dare to Dream.

Dare to Dream –
All State Arena 1-25 to 1 –29
United Center 2-1 to 2-12

Click here for info on discounted tickets

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Not Friday; Got Fragments

Just a  few programming notes for those passing by.

Taking Puppy and company to see the Disney on Ice production, Dare to Dream in Rosemont today.  Here's a little I See the Light to get us in the Tangled mood.  I'll be back tomorrow with a review.

COH is at Janice Campbell this week.  She has a nice Wintery Mix all ready for you.  My HSBA page is one of the many articles available. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

As a Former Fetus . . .

Fits me to a T
My life in T-Shirts

It's been a while since I posted about about some of the t-shirts I've worn that best speak to who I am/was/will be. 

Today's shirts goes back more than 20 years to my college daze.

I used to frequent our local Christian book store and buy lots of cassettes and c.d.s as well as books.  He had a pretty good t-shirt selection.  Most Christian T-shirts at the time were parodies of popular secular t-shirts.  Those were so not me.  So I generally stuck with Christian Music shirts or the occasional bible verse shirt.  Until one day I met the shirt that really spoke my mind.  It said as a former fetus I oppose abortion.  This was written inside a picture of a fetus's foot print.  On the back it had several foot prints in different stages of life. 

I loved that shirt and wore it as often as I could. 

Of all the times I ever wore that shirt, only one time did someone say it offended them.  It was never my intention to offend, just to express my opinion.  I asked that person if any part of the shirt was untrue? Technically, I formerly was a fetus.  Truthfully, I do oppose abortion.  Since aborted fetuses never gain the opportunity to weigh in on  the abortion debate, as a former fetus I felt the need to say I liked staying around. 

Not sure what ever became of the shirt.  Some twenty years later, I am sure I've outgrown it.  I just haven't outgrown the sentiment. 

A Trip to the Zoo

A Quote to Start Things Off


Pictures of Memories I

Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23