A Quote to Start Things Off

Somebody told me there was no such thing as truth. I said if that's the case then why should I believe you" -Lecrae - Gravity

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Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

How work can effect diet.

The nice thing about working late in Friday night is by the time I get home Six Word Saturday is already posted. Now if I were more together I would write the post prior to work and just link in when I get home. The truth is I have not done a lot of blogging since I started my temp job last week. I have quite a few posts that I could spend time on but I am not sure how people who work 8 hour days blog as well. Sure being a home educator is a full time job and yet I find time to blog then. What will be interesting is if I continue to do 2nd shift temp assignments after Amy goes back to school in August. This job I am on now has me leaving the house at about 2:15 which school is usually done by, so I guess it is doable. I just don't know what that will do to the blogging. Let's wait and see.

Oh I almost forgot. Six Word Saturday. Look up at the title of this post if you have forgotten it. I'm looking too.

Here are my six words:

May never eat graham crackers again.

Here is my explanation. A good part of my assignment is loading cardboard into big machines so they can be made into cardboard boxes. The thing is I'm putting thousands of these in per job and I have discovered that cardboard looks like graham crackers. So at times I am looking at graham cracker looking box, after graham cracker looking box. My fear is that one day soon I will be eating a graham cracker and it will taste like, you guessed it, cardboard.

For more Six Word Saturday. Click Here.

Next Time: A Trip to the Zoo.

White Sox Week in Review

On my other blog I participate in a little meme called Six Word Saturday. I have done it here before. The skinny is you give your six words and if you want you can explain them. So, now that we've explained that go review the title of this post.

Here are my six words:

I go to work. Sox lose.

Last Friday, I started a job at a box factory. It is an assignment from a temp company. I work the second shift 3-11. We didn't work on Monday as it was the 4th of July. Since then every day this week the White Sox have played or finishing playing while I have been making boxes. They now have lost 4 games in a row. This may not seem like a big deal. But it is. Box making is hard work and generally speaking my family is asleep when I get home, I would like a bit of good news like say a White Sox victory. Also, last week they got to .500 for the first time since early April. For those stopping in from Six Word Saturday who might not know what .500 means it means they have won as many games as they've lost. Now with these 4 losses they are back to below .500 where they will remain through the All Star break and perhaps the rest of their season.

Maybe if I quit my job they will start winning again. Although back then they only won 1/2 the time and I didn't get paid. So, I think I'll keep working.

For more Six Word Saturday click here.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Not sure why he didn't make it the first time.

But you can still vote Paul Konerko into the all star game by clicking here and voting him in in the final vote.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

SIx words after a full day of work

I forgot how "real" labor feels.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying that what I usually do (teach the kids) isn't work. It not only is work, it is the most demanding (and rewarding) job I have ever had, It's just since 1992 when I graduated college all have my jobs have been office jobs with the exception of my work for the census last year, This summer I have contacted various agencies and have looked for summer employment. I have not had a great deal of success so far. Today I got a call at about 3:30 p.m. to work an 8 hour shift at a box factory. I worked 10 hours putting literally thousands of potential boxes in a box making machine. The work cycle was like this 1 to 1/2 hours of grueling backbreaking work followed by 1-2 minutes of adding fractions. I of course loved the fraction adding part. I would have done that for free,

If I survive the weekend I may get invited back next week to make more boxes. If that happens I will be glad for the chance to bring some money into the family and I also glad to be able to still do hard work as a man of my advanced years. But I will be especially glad that every hour and a half or so I can get paid to add fractions!

For more Six Word Saturday click here to head to Show My Face dot com.

A to Z 2023 Road Trip

#AtoZChallenge 2023 RoadTrip