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Friday, August 21, 2009

Boys are from Idaho or Albuquerque

Boys are from Idaho or Albuquerque

"All boys are from Idaho!" This is the chant that my wife has been singing lately. She gets into these laughing fits and she can barely breathe while she's singing, "all boys are from Idaho!' Get it, Boise, Idaho? No, I don't get it either. But it sure bugged Charlie, as he screamed back, "I am NOT from Idaho!" Why, oh why am I subject to such craziness? Oh, I like it, never mind. I liked it so much I told Charlie that boys were from Albuquerque. So the next time Amy chanted all boys are from Idaho, Charlie shot back "no, they're from Albuquerque." Priceless!


For More Six Words of wisdom (or just wisecracking) go show your face at show my face dot com.

Next Time: A Legend in my Own Mind


Call Me Cate said...

When I was a child, I was obsessed with Albuquerque. No particular reason, I just decided I was going to live there some day. Maybe it's because I knew boys are from there!

Thanks for playing!

monica said...

How funny! Stopping in from 6WS! HAve a great weekend!

Fandango said...

No boys are surely from Ishpeming

Sarah said...

My "drives my husband insane" thing that puts me in fits of giggles is the joke about the elephant footprints in the butter. He thinks it's awful, but I find it to be a true test of someone's intelligence. Not funny to you? You must be stupid.

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

You're a fun dad :D So nice to see a guy blogging along side us!

Amy said...

Cute. Love it!

Melissa B. said...

And all dogs go to Heaven!

Anonymous said...

LOL, Awesome!!!

Barkley's Mommy said...

What can I say, except... Hello from Albuquerque!

Have a great weekend!

Lizze said...

Your wife's joke and giggle fit make perfect sense to me. :) lol

Happy belated 6WS to you! :)

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25