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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Knowing Your Neighbors

I bet I could write an excellent blog post about the importance of meeting and befriending your neighbors. How to get out and become a community with those who live in closest proximity to you. Yeah that would be a great post, it's just not this post.

I am talking about something completely different. I am talking about my WFMW neighbors. Each week I view some excellent posts about what works for others here in blog world. My problem is that so many of these posts I never get around to applying because of the enormity of fine posts each week. So I developed a system that helps me review past posts and save some of the good ones for posterity.

Here is what I do: Each week after I post my link, I mark the posts immediately before and behind mine as favorites and put them in a folder called "WFMW Neighbors." This is my 25th WFMW post and that means that after I link this up, I will have 50 neighbors in that folder.

After a few months I decided that I wanted to honor some of my favorite neighbors, so I reviewed all my neighbors and put the ones that I thought were best in a second folder called top 10 neighbors. Each subsequent week when I organized my neighbors I put the especially good ones in the top 10 list. My top 10 list often had more than ten items at a time but once a month or so I would weed it down. Today I would like to present you with my Top 10 Neighbors:

Starting us off at #10 is Lynn's Kitchen Adventures who introduced Frozen Hot Chocolate (July 09)

Speaking of neighbors, weighing in at #9 is Kristen's neighbor from Bake at 350 with Mini Moo Cards and coupon! (July 09)

How to Clean a Kitchen By Joyfully Retired (January 09) checks in at # 8.

Which brings us to #7 Protecting Your Marriage (and Money) with A Spending Communication Policy By Sarah @ Real Life (March 2009)

# 6 is Don't Bring Me Down by ELO. (Sorry my inner d.j. escaped for a moment.) Didn't mean to bring things down. It's time to Exhale. Return to Center as they What's Working: Our Mud Pit (May '09)

A Back Seat Boredom Buster is what awaits us at #5 found Inside the White Picket Fence. (July '09)

Momedy (Ba Ba Ba Ba Da) Momedy (Ba Ba Da Ba) presents Making Procrastination Work For You (April '09) at # 4.

At #3 we have Pause your Nose Again from Heavenly Homemakers dot com (February '09)

The Animator's Wife hits at #2 with Cheap Shots- Christmas (January '09).

And my #1. neighbor is A Simple Walk with her beautiful post, A Bag Full of Pennies (January '09)

Introducing My New Neighbors . . .

Tonight Kayren of Everthing's Coming up Daisies blogged about Getting Chewing Gum Out of My Dryer.


Over at Blessed With Grace Lisa shared Things I Liked About Today ...

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Keeping tabs on my WFMW neighbors works for me. Thanks to all 50 of my neighbors for their excellent ideas. To see what works for others, bop on over to Kristen's at We Are That Family. A special shout out to Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer who got this party started. Many of my neighbors originally linked there.

Next Time: A Letter from the President


bridget {bake at 350} said...

Oh, I'm honored! Howdy neighbor! ;)

jugglingpaynes said...

Well now I have Mr. Rogers stuck in my head. (won't you be my neighbor) :o)

Dave, I'm hosting next week's Carnival of Homeschooling! I would greatly appreciate a post from you!

Peace and Laughter,

Niki Jolene said...

Cool idea! I have been trying to get out there and check out some new blogs so I think I will do this too.


Stop by and visit me over at Free2BeFrugal.

The Animator's Wife said...

Why thank you, I'm blushing. Is my blog turning pink?

Unknown said...

Wow, Dave, I am honored and humbled. Thank you for including me,today. Your post is a great idea. Isn't this what everyone means when they talk about "community" in the blogosphere? Great job!

Kayren said...

Thanks for the shout out, New Neighbor!

I don't have Mr. Rogers stuck in my head, I have ELO and Don't Bring Me Down stuck in mine. Why'd you have to go and do that?

I do something similar to this with recipes, so I should try this too.

Unknown said...

Hey there neighbor-
What a great idea! Thanks so much for including me on your list!

eringoodman said...

thanks so much for including me in your list.

so nice to connect with you neighbor!!!

i think i might like to hang out here with you quite frequently if you don't mind! ;-)

Kirsty said...

Thanks so much Dave! I always enjoy your WFMW's and I feel honoured to have made your list. Did you know I've been following your blog for quite a while now? Well, I have! And it's awesome. Thanks again.

jugglingpaynes said...

Hey thanks Dave! And no problem. Send it Monday. I think the cutoff time is 6PM PST on Monday. If you think you will miss the deadline, just email it to me directly.

Have fun camping!

Peace and Laughter,

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25