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Sunday, September 19, 2010

In which I give away Mavis Beacon.

It's been a little while since I participated in WFMW and it's also label time here at Home School Dad. Today we complete the 3 way tie for # 12 with Crazy Dave's Giveaways.

One of the things I first noticed when I started reading blogs were the cool give-a-ways. I love winning things, but more importantly I love to give things away. The problem has been that for many of my give-a-ways I have had too few people participating, even though I linked it to several give-away sites, some that are now defunct.

Even when I did get a winner, I sometimes had trouble getting the winner to come forward. This has kept me from expanding this section of my blog and Crazy Dave has gone into semi-retirement.

Today he comes out of retirement to offer areal cool product for any one willing to enter.

About a year ago my Dad called me up and wondered if I wanted a typing program he had on CD ROM. My Dad and I are very similar in that we don't mind clutter. We are a little different in how we don't mind it. I don't mind it because If I had my own way I would collect every scrap of anything on the off chance I might need it again. My Dad doesn't mind clutter as long as it's not in his house. So, he calls me up every couple weeks with something he wants to unload on me. Now my wife likes to curb my propensity for clutter by putting my clutter on the curb. So we have come to an understanding. I say no to my Dad as often as I can. My Dad just moves on to the next child in his Rollerdex. (Yes, our last name is Roller, and that was a bad pun.)

On this occasion, I said yes to my Dad because Amy and I had been talking about getting the kids involved in a typing program. My Dad gave me the disc and I put it somewhere and moved on with my life.

Fast forward to June 2010. Amy and I are at the Home School Convention and we remember that we want the kids to take typing. So we bought a CD Rom called Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. I forgot all about the fact that I already had a copy of it that my Dad gave me.

About a week later I found the copy my Dad gave me and the 2 oldest kids and I started using it. It is a fantastic program that allows children and adults to progress at their own pace. What I like best about it is that the kids just love using it.

Here is what the opening screen looks like when my oldest starts her lessons.

Here is a sample lesson that I have been working on.

That is why Mavis Beacon works for me. I'd like it toy work for you also. We are using version 15 and I am offering an unopened copy of version 18 to the hundredth caller. I have been advised I do not have a radio show and have not given out my telephone # so I will go ahead and give this copy to a random commenter. If you post about this giveaway on your blog or Facebook page or other social media, leave another comment with the link. Also, if you are a follower of my blog just say I am a follower on your comment and I will give you one more entry. If you are not a follower of my blog, this would be a good time to do so.

This give-a-way will end at 6 pm central time Sunday October 3rd. So please leave a comment and join my give-a-way. I will believe it will be just your type.
For more of the Carnival of Homeschooling click here. To get back to WFMW click here.

Next Time: Summer Reading


Tiffany @ As For My House said...

Would like to try Mavis... thanks!

Chick Hatchers said...

I've been thinking about this typing program and just hadn't gotten around to picking it up. Well, that and $ being really tight. We'd love a copy for our homeschool!

Chick Hatchers said...

I am also a blog follower. I had to double-check because I thought I was, but I just frequent your blog. I made it official tonight and officially follow your blog now.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like fun! Thanks for the chance to win.

I'm a follower, too. Or a subscriber, does that count? I don't like the "followers" widget (shares too much information), but I have you in my Google Reader. I was sorry to read that you didn't get enough students to do your blogging class. I had the same problem with my math class --- only one person signed up. Maybe next semester...

C T said...

I follow your blog, too! (Well, as of two minutes ago...) I think it's great that your wife keeps the clutter beast tamed, and I'd love to help you not have the clutter of that unopened version 18 on your hands. ;)

Amber@ClassicHousewife said...

Oh, I LOVE Mavis! It's what I learned to type with back in junior high (1989) - no joke. We were fortunate to have a computer (read as: IBM with 3.0 DOS!) We were thrilled when the games started coming in COLOR - Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego, and Mavis. (We didn't much care that we were actually LEARNING SOMETHING.) ;) At any rate, I've been wanting to buy our own copy of Mavis but haven't been able to convince myself to fork over the money for it. I end up saying I'll have my children learn with one of the free programs, but you know?,... they're just not as good. So we don't really keep up. I'd love to win one!
I'm here from the homeschooling carnival, so I haven't been here before, or subscribed or anything but I'm off to do that now! =)

Amber@ClassicHousewife said...

Ok, I'm now following with my Google Reader. =)

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25