http://www.showmyface.com/ has arguably the best blog meme ever. Six Word Saturday is all that and a bag of chips infinity. It is also one of the few memes with a day in it that doesn't broadcast a day before it's name sake. WTG in the truth in advertising game, Show my Face!
My Six Words today could easily be surmised from the above button. But I'll be glad to reiterate . (reiterate v. - To iterate again) :
2010 Homeschool Blog Awards. Vote Now!
The HSBA Post is again hosting the awards. There is about a week to vote and for the purpose of full disclosure, my blog is nominated in 2 0f the 20 categories. Yes, I have been nominated for best Home School Dad blog again this year. Since the name of my blog is Home School Dad, you'd think I'd be a shoe-in. Tell that to Families Again who won last year. I say vote for me and let him win Best Families Again Blog.
And as surprising as it may sound considering the last paragraph, I am also up for funniest home school blog. You can vote for me by clicking here. I strongly urge that you browse all the categories. You may find some new favorites (fav-o-rites n. Irish Rapper).
To get back to more Six Word Saturday or just to get away from me click here.
Keith Time: A Summertime Remembrance
wow, that's fun 6 words...
best wishes on home schooling bloggers.
my entry, awards for you.
I voted for you in the funniest category. Unfortunately I knew more than one blogger in the Home School Dad category. Sorry! I figured since you were in more categories, you wouldn't mind!
Peace and Laughter!
I voted for you in the homeschool dad category. Yours is the only hs dad blog I know and I really do enjoy your blog, so that's where I voted. I haven't voted for funniest yet because I know too many of those blogs and it's hard to choose just 1!
BTW, your show my face link has a typo in it. Not the button, but in the paragraph. Just thought you'd want to know.
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