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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thursday Two Questions, already?

I can't believe it's been a week since I posted last. I am at least 3 posts behind. I have 2 book reviews I need to write and I want to talk about the oh, so excellent Home School Conference I attended over the weekend.

Well a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. It actually now starts with an I-phone. They have an app for that. But since I don't have an I-phone I'll go with the single step approach. I liked participating in Self Sagacity's Two Questions Thursday last week I thought I'd give it a shot again. I'll have to put off the book reviews and the conference comments (That sounds like a kind of Celestial Season Tea) until next time.

The book I am going to review if I ever get to it is Laura Ingall's Wilder's Little Town on the Prairie. I love reading these books to my family as they really give good perspective to things. For instance in Wilder's the Long Winter which preceded Little Town, Pa and Ma make the following observations on "new" technology. . .

"If only I had some grease I could fix some kind of a light," ma considered. "We didn't lack for light when I was a girl, before this new fangled kerosene was ever heard of.”

That's so," said pa. These times are too progressive. Everything has changed too fast. Railroads and telegraph and kerosene and coal stoves - they're good things to have but the trouble is, folks get to depending on.

What's most telling is 3 of the 4 items mentioned are basically obsolete in Western Culture. Trains are still around but nowhere near what they were 150 years ago.

This brings me to my first question: What new technology do you have the most trouble living without?

My next question also stems from a book I am eventually going to review. The book called the Lost Art of Reading is an essay about the state of the book. The paper, ink, binding variety.

My question is this. Do you have a nook or Kindle or other e-reader or do you read books the old fashioned way or do you just not read books?

Those are my questions. For other peoples questions click here.

Next Time: Little Town Review. (Yes, I know I have been saying that for awhile.)


Joanne Olivieri said...

1 Well I would be lost without my camera and computer. What in the world would I do all day :D

2. I love books. I love the smell and the feel of books. I even like the binding and turning the pages. I would never use a kindle. Even reading something online to me is very clinical. I like my stories and literature the old fashioned way.

SquirrelQueen said...

In a 150 years think what people will say about all of our 'new' technology!

I would really miss the internet, there is so much information at my finger tips. We have been online since 1996, I can't imagine life without it.

I read actual books and I have kindle and Adobe readers on my computer. I also do book reviews so it depends on what format the publisher has available to send. Many are still sending out advance copies of the actual book but I am seeing more and more publishers going to ebooks. To me the story is most important, the format is secondary.

The Lost Art of Reading sounds interesting, I'll have to look for it.

Rebekah said...

I think it would be hard for me to live without the internet.

But as for the second question, I don't think I would ever read on a kindle or something like that. I love the feel of a book in your hand, to turn the page when your done instead of pushing a button and to curl up with it on the couch. That wouldn't be so much fun with an electronic device.

Self Sagacity said...

Glad you're up for the challenge again this week. :-)
I would be so lost without technology. I am so very technology dependent. In its order, computer and phone. Without these two items, I definitely would feel detached from the world.
I like reading online, it's convenient. Having kids there are many times when we find ourselves waiting/ dead moments that an electronic version is the only way to get some reading in. Other than that, I do love the feel of a book, and the smell of new pages. The cover and it's illustrations is also a nice experience when settling down for that rare moment to be enchanted.

Colette S said...

I think it would be hard to live without the phone. It involves staying in touch in so many ways.

And no. I do not own a reader. I prefer having my book in my hand. There's just something about that.


A Quote to Start Things Off


Pictures of Memories I

Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23