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Friday, April 24, 2015

U is forUribe

White Sox Homerun hitters from A.J. to Zeke

U is for Uribe 

Juan Uribe

When I think of Juan Uribe, I think of the 2nd out of  the ninth inning of game4 of the 200 World Series

I will show it to you.

Juan Uribe is still playing major league baseball almosts  10 year dcerneafter that epic play.  To date he as 178 homers.  87 of them came was a member of the Sox.  Hie best 2 seasons were 2004 and 2006 as far as the long ball was concerned.  He hit 23 in 2004 and 21 in 2006.  He averaged 18 homeruns over an 162 game season or 1 dinger every 8 ganes.

For more A to Z blogging click here.   


Eli@coachdaddy said...

Dude's a player. How many times have players had the opportunity to grab a little World Series glory and let it slip away? Glad I found you through the A to Z Challenge.

Eli @ Coach Daddy (#1074)

Courtney said...

Thank you so much for participating in the A to Z Challenge! You rock! Congrats on getting to the letter U! Reminder: there will be an A to Z Reflections round on May 4th. There will be a Linky for it on the main blog, so please look for it there! Please post your reflections on the challenge, visit others, finish letters, and catch up on the blogs you didn't have time to read!

Team Macha, Helping Co-Host Czenge
Maui Jungalow

Random Musings said...

Loving your theme :) I think it's really interesting seeing what everyone chose for their themes!
Popping by on the A to Z Road Trip

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25