The aforementioned Rod Carew is listed 3rd with a batting average of .328. I wont put in the screen shot but from 1976 to 1987 he also batted .328 and was 4th place on the list. He was a consistent hit machine but not a power hitter only hitting 92 homeruns out of 9315 career at bats. I will be making an index of the homerun hitters I did include this year and will be making some lists of who I left out.
A to Z Challenge 2025
Sox Fam
Search Me!
Saturday, May 7, 2022
2022 A to Z Challenge Reflection
The aforementioned Rod Carew is listed 3rd with a batting average of .328. I wont put in the screen shot but from 1976 to 1987 he also batted .328 and was 4th place on the list. He was a consistent hit machine but not a power hitter only hitting 92 homeruns out of 9315 career at bats. I will be making an index of the homerun hitters I did include this year and will be making some lists of who I left out.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Z is for Zoo, Zisk and Zones
The day is here the final day of the A to Z challenge ! This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here.
On 3 continents I've been to the zoo
Europe and Asia are two
It's more than I can bare (ika)
Not been to South America
Maybe soon I will go to Peru.
Thanks for joining me for the A to Z challenge. For more click here.
Friday, April 29, 2022
Y is for Yin, Yang, Yaz and Young
Good morning and welcome to day 24, the penultimate of the A to Z challenge. This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here.
I don't give a darn or a dang
for the yin or even the yang
Don't meant to alarm ya
I'm just not into karma.
I think God controls whole shebang.
For more A to Z challenge click here.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
V is for Vladimir, Vladimir and Voice
I know this guy Vladimir
He is a true friend ,very dear
His name in Russian means swan
I would like to go on
But a limerick's lengths very clear
For more A to Z challenge click here.
Monday, April 25, 2022
U is for Umbrella, Double U, and Urban
If you want to stay dry for hours
Without using your super powers
Well, go gal or fella
Buy yourself an umbrella
It is great for these April showers!
Saturday, April 23, 2022
T is for Tupelo, Thomas & Tower
Good evening and welcome to day 20 of the A to Z challenge. This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here.
If I spent the day in Tupelo
Where it's 14 above not below
While water would still freeze
28 more degrees
Would increase by old get up and go
From my Facebook account in the winter of 2014
Friday, April 22, 2022
S is , Stan Lee, Sammy Sosa and Sears
Good Evening and welcome to day 19 of the A to Z challenge. This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here.
For more A to Z challenge click here.
Monday, April 18, 2022
O is for Orange, Oliva, and Overt
Good morning and welcome to day 15 of the A to Z challenge. This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here.
Orange, is a wonderful fruit.
And has vitamin C to boot.
While it's no crime,
That it has no good rhyme.
It does make me want to say "shoot!"
Thursday, April 14, 2022
L is for Lima Beans, (E)L Caballo and Llama
Good morning and welcome to day 12 of the A to Z challenge. This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
K is for Kilometer , King Kong and Krill
Good Evening and welcome to day 11 of the A-to-Z challenge. This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here. Due to the incredible busyness of my week I am posting more than 16 hours late today. Usually I would post at 4:13 a.m to coincide with the date 4/13. Speaking of 4/13 stay tuned and I will have a special 17th birthday shout out for someone who was born today.
Monday, April 11, 2022
I is for Illinois, Ibanez and Imago
Good morning and welcome to a new week of the A to Z challenge. This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here.
Saturday, April 9, 2022
H is for Hammer, Hank, and Hairy
Good morning and welcome to Day 8 of the A to Z challenge. This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here.
I was born in 1964. I was 9 years old when Aaaron broke Ruth's record. Aaronhit his first homer in 1954 and his last in 1976. From 1954 to1963 Hank hit 342 home runs. This was 5th most of all players over that time period and only 40 less than Willie Mays who hit the most in that time period.
Friday, April 8, 2022
G is for Grief , Griffey, and Geode
Good morning and welcome to Day 7 of the A to Z challenge. This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
F is for Freud, Freddie Freeman, and Fugue
Freddie Freeman played for the Atlanta Braves from 2010 to 2021. The Braves are the current reigning World Series champions He recently signed as a free agent with the L.A. Dodgers. Freeman was the 2020 NL MVP and finished 2nd in voting for NL Rookie of the Year in 2011 his first full season.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
E is for Edmonds, Eustace and Equal
Jim Edmonds played Major League Baseball from 1993 to 2010 . He hit his first 121 homers with the Anaheim Angels from 1993 to 1999. It was after he left Anaheim ,in the period between 2000 and 2010 that he was his most prolific at the plate. During that time he hit 272 of his 393 career home runs. (241 with the St. Louis Cardinals, 19 for the Chicago Cubs, 8 for the Milwaukee Brewers, 3 for the Cincinnati Reds and 1 for the San Diego Padres.)
A Quote to Start Things Off
Blog Tryouts - Commenters Edition
Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25
These Blogs Are SO 2024
List Your Way3 months ago
On Wednesday, after the election …4 months ago
Grief: A Brief Description6 months ago
Treasures everywhere6 years ago