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Monday, April 18, 2022

O is for Orange, Oliva, and Overt

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter

 Good morning  and welcome to day 15  of the A to Z challenge. This year I chose 3 themes for the challenge: Limericks, MLB sluggers in my lifetime, and A to Z wordles. For more information about these themes click here

Part I: A to Z Limericks

From the thet can't all be winners department ...

Orange, is a wonderful fruit.

And has vitamin C to boot.

While it's no crime,

That it has no good rhyme.

It does make me want to say "shoot!"

Part II: A to Z Homerun hitters of my lifetime

Tony Oliva got elected to the Hall of Fame by the veteran's comittee this year receiving 12 of the 16 votes he needed.  Oliva played for the Minnesota Twins from 1962 to 1976 and hit all but 1 of his 220 career homers from 1964-1975.  

Part III: Wordle Starting Words from A to Z

Note: Correct letters in the correct places will be shown in bold. Correct letters in incorrect places will be shown in italics.

My March 15th starting word was overt.

O V E R T - Guessed the E and T the T but not in their proper place.
T E P I D-  Got the T and E in their proper spots.
T E A C H  Added a third letter in the right spot.
T E A S E - Correct in 4 guesses

For more A to Z challenge click here.  


Jayashree Srivatsan said...

Nice limerick ...loved it

You are quite good at wordle

Cheryl said...

This is a neat idea. Love your theme and how you manage to work them in. Thanks for sharing.

Deborah Weber said...

Nice mix of "O"s. And you have me heading to the kitchen for an orange.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25