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Thursday, April 30, 2009
That's What I Like About You.
1. I enjoy Three things this Thursday so much, I had to tell the blogging world about it. So I posted this on yesterdays edition of Works for me Wednesday at We Are That Family. Maybe there will be some new posters checking it out this week.
2. Oh Boy! I have just loved the last few episodes of Chuck. Specifically, Scott Bakula's turn as Chuck's father. If like me you can't watch full episodes at ,maybe you can watch them at or I am not sure if Monday's season finale was also the series finale. If it was they sure went out on a strong note. Check it out.
3. Today is the last day of my Point of Grace/ Michael Kelly Blanchard give-a-way. If you haven't entered by leaving a comment on my original post do so before 10 p.m tonight.
Well that's all for me. If you would like to see what three things others have this Thursday or participate in 3TTT go to Psalm 104:24. Have a great week!
Next Time: 5 minutes at a time.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
In Praise of Three Things this Thursday
1. It's an easy format to follow and useful when time constraints or life itself are getting in the way of blogging.
A few weeks ago after my brother passed away, I did not have the mental energy to create a WFMW post (grief, depression, nor the passing of a loved one work for me.) but 3TTT was just the ticket. Here is the link to my original 3TTT entry.
2. It allows for me to post about disparate thing at the same time and things that I might not blog about other wise. In the past few weeks, I have talked about books I read, snacks I've prepared, and give-a-ways I was hosting.
3. I enjoy 3TTT because it appeals to my randomness and love for the non sequtir. The snack post I referred to was right after I wrote a transcript of the eulogy I gave at my brother's funeral.
So that's why Three Things This Thursday works for me. I encourage you to participate this Thursday. (She generally posts about 8 or 9 a.m Thursday mornings). To see what things work for other's late Tuesdays and into Wednesday go to WFMW at We are That Family.
Next Time: That's What I Like About you.
Where's the Carnival?
Today is April 28th and the carnival is not yet here. Hopefully it will come soon. Here is some footage from last year's carnival. Lucy and her cousin Bobby sure seem to be enjoying themselves!
A different kind of carnival has arrived as it does each week. The Carnival of Homeschooling. While I have submiited several carnival entries in the past, (see my labels) I have not before actively promoted the sight. This week I have started announcing the current host of the carnival.
In addition, I will be hosting the May 19th carnival at Home School Dad. More will be announced about that in the near future. This weeks carnival is being hosted by Corn and Oil. I encourage you to check it out!
Next Time: In Praise of Three Things Thursday.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hockey Lessons
1. Hockey Lessons.
I recently completed reading a book about the 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team entitled The boys of winter by Wayne Coffey. It's a perfect companion piece to the film "Miracle." Although, I have never played hockey, there are many valuable lessons to be learned from these boys. I will be posting some of them here in the near future.
Speaking of hockey, on January 1, 2009 there was a Hockey game between the Detroit Red Wings and the Chicago Black Hawks. This is not unusual in itself, as these teams being part of the original 6 teams in the N.H.L. have skated against each other hundreds of times. What made the game a spectacle, is the venue, It was played outdoors at Wrigley Field the friendly confines of the Chicago Cubs. Which brings us to ...
2. Lost Update.
I was at Wrigley last night to watch the Cubs take on the Cincinnati Reds. The Cubs lost 0-3.
I went with my son, Charlie and my brother in law, Mike. Throughout the ballpark there are signs advising to be alert for foul balls. Charlie and I had brought our gloves but nothing came our way. At the gift shop I saw a 8.5 by 5.5 replica post card of the sign for just a buck. I told Charlie that I'd buy it for him and we'd hang it on his wall. His reaction: "When I get my Blog, I am going to post it there!" You guys know how 7 year olds get excited about blogs and stuff.
It was nice to spend some time with Mike. He has spent much of the past year being the primary care giver for my father-in-law and helping him recuperate from various illnesses and injuries. It was good for him to get a respite from all that and catch a game with us.
Speaking of respites, that brings us to . . .
3. Give-a-way.
In my most recent post, I talked about the importance of taking a break or helping someone else take a break so you or they can be re energized. I also announced a give-a-way of a c.d and a book. The book is Unsung Heroes by Michael Kelly Blanchard. Blanchard is a singer/songwriter best known for writing "Be Ye Glad." The c.d. by Point of Grace is called How You Live. Point of Grace is the Christian Pop quartet that has recently become a Country Trio.
To register for the give-a-way which ends on April 30th leave a comment at my original post.
Those are my three things for Thursday April 23rd. Go to Psalm 104:24 to see what other trios of things are out there for your perusal.
Next Time: Where's the Carnival?
A Quote to Start Things Off
Pictures of Memories I
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