as in Abstinence
Sunday April 1, 2012
Hi. My name is Dave aka Home School Dad or HSD. You can just call me HS or D. Whatever floats your boat.
This is my first installment of Blogging A to Z. For 26 of the next 31 days I will be blogging in alphabetical order. This is a pretty big
to do at the blogosphere;click
here to go to the main blogging A to Z page. Some participating blogs are having a theme intertwined to their A to Z posts. Not this cat. I am going to stick to what this blog does best, randomness.Some posts may be meaty, even controversial, while others will be whimsical and still others will be boring. (Don't believe me? Stop by tomorrow.)
Today's word is abstinence. Abstinence as defined by the Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th Edition) means voluntary forbearance especially from indulgence of an appetite or craving or from eating some foods. This is a fine definition but not the one most people think of when they hear the word. Most people think of abstaining from sex, specifically from abstaining from sex prior to marriage. This is the meaning I am referring to.
Abstinence has become a bit of a dirty word in our modern age. In our society, sex is regarded as a rite of passage into adulthood. Those who want to promote abstinence are often ridiculed, belittled or at least labeled impractical.
But when you think about it, abstinence is immensely practical. Let's think about abstinence in how it pertains to one of the most divisive topics, I can think of, Following the Cubs or White Sox Abortion.
Abortion is so divisive, that the language describing it varies depending on which side of the issue you are on. Those who favor abortion, speak of a woman's right to choose and are labeled pro-choice. Those against abortion use terms like sanctity of life and are labeled pro-life. These are misnomers if ever there were misnomers. Most so called "pro choicers" that I know hold life to be very dear. Many are passionate against war or the death penalty because they hold life so dear. Nor are prolifers really anti choice. They want to see women with unwanted pregnancies "choose" to come to term and make "choices" that will benefit themselves, their child, and in many cases married couples unable to have their own children.
So what do you need to have an abortion? You need to be pregnant. And what do you need to be pregnant? You need to have sex. So abstinence is a very practical way to limit the number of unwanted pregnancies in this country and thus the amount of abortions.
Abstinence is practical in terms of birth control, preventing disease, even in promoting self esteem. If you only have sexual relations with one person in your lifetime, there is little chance of suffering by comparison. It is practical in addressing sexual education for the next generation.This, we did it, they're going to do it, let's have them be safe about it approach is about as effective as the let them figure it own on their own, we did approach. My kids have been told early on that sex is for marriage only. Amy and I also have the testimony of our own abstinence during our friendship and courtship to back up our words.
So some of you are probably saying practical schmactical promoting abstinence in this day and age won't work when premarital sex is rampant. I'd say part of the reason why it's rampant is because of this false idea that abstinence is impractical. I mean that argument is certainly on the menu at Bob's House of Self Fulfilling Prophecies.
Resistance to abstinence and acceptance of abortion are both built on the faulty assumption that our bodies are ours alone and we can do with them what we want as long as no one (except a fetus) gets hurt.
The truth is that our bodies are a gift from God who created us. God fashioned Adam out of the dust of the world he had made days earlier. He didn't stop with Adam. He made Eve from Adam as Adam slept. After that He instituted marriage and procreation. After that he called it a week. I think one of the reasons why Biblical creation is regarded as faith or fantasy rather than science or history is to ignore this idea that our bodies our not are own.
Abstinence prior to marriage is key to building a healthy, happy marriage. Self-control is possible with the help of God,who according to 2 Peter 1:3 has given us everything we need for life and godliness. I'm not saying abstinence is easy, many good things aren't. I'm saying that abstinence is worth while. I'll share more of mine and Amy's experiences with abstinence in later posts.
So that's A. Come back tomorrow for a boring post.