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Thursday, January 19, 2012

7 reasons why I'd like to win a ticket to the Titus 2:1 Conference

The Titus 2:1 Conference is coming to your town.  That is if your town is Sterling, Va. The Conference takes place in April 27th through 29th and is a homeschool bloggers conference.

Kris, of Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers,  is one of the speakers at the event.  She has been given 1 ticket to the event (a $199.00 value) to give away on her blog.  This post is my entry to said give-a-way.  My goal, to explain why I'd like to win a ticket to the conference.

Here is a list of my reasons.  Some are serious, some are silly and some are just plain HSD.

Reasons I want to attend the Titus 2:1 Conference

1.  I like to go places where it's not certain that I'm welcome. 

The Titus 2:1 Webpage page says:

The 2:1 Conference is a faith based conference for homeschooling parents that blog (not just about homeschooling), or are otherwise interested in social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter.

Well that's me, a homeschooling parent who blogs.  So I'm invited right?  Not so fast.  The Conference Home Page, the one you read before you can even get to the About page, says this in the first paragraph:

2:1 is the premier conference for bloggers like you - mothers, in the trenches of homeschooling, with hearts for God. 

Well, I am in the trenches of homeschooling, but am not a mother.  It seems like it might be kind of awkward for me to go to a place where I'll stand out like a sore thumb.  This brings me to reason 2.

2. I don't mind standing out like a sore thumb.

A seminary professor of mine described me to a mutual friend years later, by saying that I marched to a different drum.  I am told that he meant it as a compliment, and I certainly took it as one.  As a Homeschool Dad who is actually the stay at home teacher rather than the go to work provider, I am used to sore thumb status.  I finally got our co-op to stop calling the break room the Mom's room and refer to it as the parents room instead. 

Seriously, I think I can learn a lot by being with so many bloggers in one place, that my sore thumbs won't mind so much.

Or I could, as Steven Keaton explained to his wife Elise in Family Ties what he would do at an all female architects convention, arm wrestle for money.

3. I'd like to learn some technical aspects of blogging especially advertising.

I would love to do more advertising on this blog and would like to talk with other bloggers how they do that.

4. Because winning a ticket is much better than losing a ticket.

Seriously, you are on you way out the door to go see a show. Then you realize you don't have the tickets. Where are they?  Now we are going to be late.  Puppy did you make that mess?!?

5.  I love D.C. and have relatives in the area I could stay with.

6.  To find out how to increase my readership. 

I think being a teaching blogging Dad in a Mom's world hinders the type of audience I can attract.  However, maybe this conference can help me get the word out on HSD as well as give me new strategies for increasing my readership.

7. I could certainly use the spiritual refreshment.

  I like that this conference is faith based. Teaching my kids at home is the toughest job I ever have had.  It depletes my energy and my spirituality.  A conference like this will be a great blessing.

So those are 7 reasons why I'd like to win a ticket to the conference.  I'll be back later today with some Friday Fragments.


Jolanthe Erb said...

Kris sent out a tweet about your post...and I just had to come and see. My votes for you!! :)

Linda said...

I followed Kris's tweet too!! I'd vote for you, too, and I hope I'll meet you at the 2:1 Conference!!

Cheryl said...

This post had me lauging out loud. Thank you for entering - I hope you can come. I'm sure our three male speakers would love a little more testosterone in the crowd ;)

There's nothing wrong with being a sore thumb, it sounds fun even, you'll get lots of attention and questions LOL.

Sorry for the "in-the-trenches homechool mothers" line, fathers are definitely welcome!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25