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Friday, October 30, 2009

Pictures from captivity

Some pictures from our recent illness.

The past week the kids and I have been sick. Even though I hear some coughing in the background. We all seem to be for the most part well.
I thought I would just share a few pictures of the week that was.

Emma and Lucy baked cookies over the weekend. Lucy wanted one at bedtime. She fell asleep with it.

Here is a closeup.

On Wednesday the kids called me into Charlie's room. Here is what Charlie had picked out to wear.

Here is how I looked after being basically locked up with 3 sick kids for a week.

Here is how I felt.

So that's our week. I am glad we are all finally well and that I lived to tell the tale. I showed my face again this week. Now it's time for you to head over to Show my face dot com for more 6 word Saturday.

Next Time: Celebrating Charlie and Keith


Autumn said...

Love the picture of how you felt!! I feel the same way after my kids are sick! Glad to hear everyone is up and about again though :)

Gretta said...

I bet Charlie was the cutest on Wednesday (haha) and the way you look with 3 sick kids is sometimes how I look with 4 UN-sick kids. I can totally relate. Glad your household is well again.

jugglingpaynes said...

I'm glad everyone is feeling better. That picture of Lucy makes me want to cuddle her. Poor little thing!

How did Charlie wear a bunny? :o)

Peace and laughter,

annies home said...

glad they are fighting back it is awful to be sick

Dr.John said...

Do the pictures have contagious germs?

Bridgette said...

I am glad everyone is feeling better!

Mrs4444 said...

Awwww...those feverish cheeks are adorable, poor thing. Hope everyone was well enough to trick or treat!

Call Me Cate said...

Glad you all seem to be on the mend. Some people would've said "locked up sick all week, nothing to blog about". You proved them wrong.

Thanks for playing 6WS!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25