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Friday, March 5, 2010

Don't forget Frugal Fridays!

Saving money in these difficult financial times is becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. One good way to save money is to see what other people are doing. Frugal Friday, a weekly blog meme currently being hosted at Life as Mom, is a weekly collection of money savings tips.

I haven't shared an idea through this forum in quite a while. What I am sharing today is actually rather tongue in cheek. However, I do review the ideas found there from time to time and suggest you do the same.

My money saving idea this week is simply this:

Don't get a hair cut. Get them all cut.

This is a picture of my Son charlie taken two weeks ago. As you can see he is in need of a haircut. My Dad often cuts his hair, so that saves money . Sometimes we just can't find the time to get him over to my Dad's so yesterday I took him out to get a haircut. I had a 2.00 coupon so I saved a little money on the haircut.

My real money saving tip is this.

Extend times between visits.

This cut was all Charlie's idea as attested by his joyous expression. The stylist begged him to reconsider his 1 1/2 top 1 back approach. It will be some time before he needs a hair cut and that saves money!
For some real money saving tips head over to Life as Mom for Frugal Friday.
Next Time: Six Word Saturday

1 comment:

The Saved Quarter said...

If you're doing such a short cut, you might want to just buy a set of clippers and do it yourself. You'll pay for the clippers after one or two cuts, and it's really easy to do a short cut like that.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25