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Sunday, March 14, 2010

A School by Any Other Name

The Carnival of Homeschooling is up at About Homeschooling with the theme Celebrating Life. I am celebrating our home school by telling you a little about the genesis of it's name.

I am not sure if I ever told you people out there in blog world why our home school is named the Izola Becker Home School.

My Grandma's name was Izola Roller. Her maiden name was Becker. Now, no one called her Izola. She was "Mom" to her kids, "Grandma" to her grandkids and great grand kids and "Babe" to everyone else. My grandma was a wonderful woman and when she died a few years ago we decided to honor her by naming the homeschool after her. Even though she had 30 grandchildren, and over 40 great grandchildren, she remembered everything! A few weeks before she died, she told Amy to make sure that even though Emma is homeschooled, that she's involved in some type of art class because that was her major area of interest. How did she KNOW that, with all of those kids in the family? Even on her deathbed at 97, she was trying to remember a poem, and I called home and had Amy read me the lines after she googled it, and Grandma said, "I need to memorize that poem." I am not sure we would have named it at all, otherwise.

I got to wondering the other day what else we might call this school.

Here are some ideas:

Izola Becker Home School & Grill.

The Izola Becker Institute for Conduct Unbecoming an Officer.

The "Please settle down, I'm trying to blog about home schooling, Home School."

The "Your Mileage may Vary" School of Cartography.

Hansel and Gretel's Edible Home School.

International Home School of Pancakes.

The Socialization, Smotialization Academy.

McHome School: Over 2 Taught.

Roller Coasters Home School Theme Park.

I also thought of a few slogans for our school:

Need a home schooler, take a home schooler. Have a home schooler, leave a home schooler.

Students may look closer than they appear.

Everything I ever needed to know, I learned from Star Trek.

Look where your tax dollars aren't going.

Well that's enough craziness for one day. If you have any home school name or slogan ideas let me know.

Next Time: C&H


sweetnika said...

very fun!!!!!!
I love your family! :)
and yes..
i had always wondered! and thought it a GREAT name...

Chick Hatchers said...

Not knowing you personally and only in the blog-world, I had wondered about that name. I think it's a lovely story and meaningful name!

Our school had simply been named with our last name "The ____ Family Homeschool" until last summer when I decided that we needed something with more substance. So I chose "The Joyful Truth Academy" and the basis being:
Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17
[We welcome] the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 1:6

JessB said...

I found your blog through the CofH. Those are great names. They made me laugh. I love the t-shirt in your picture by the way- I need one of those too.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Pictures of Memories I

Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23