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Monday, April 1, 2024

A to Z 2024: A is for Adult Children

#AtoZChallenge 2024 badge A

For The A to Z Challenge this year, I am focusing on everyday holidays. Each day there are multiple unusual things to celebrate.  Every day of the challenge I look for an event taking place that day and pair it with the letter of the day.  I have also made up 5 holidays to coincide with the vowel days of the challenge.  At the end of each post I will share a special song of the day for that day's letter.  At the end of the month, these songs will be assembled in a to z keepsake playlist on Spotify.  Every day is a celebration, let's unwrap today's together. 

When I first started this blog in 2009 (click here for the inaugural post), I had 3 children between the ages of 3 and 9)

Back then they looked like this ...

Since then ,life happened  at a brisk pace and  my wife and I soon  had 1, then 2, and then  (for 9 glorious months in 2018-19) 3 teenagers.  Now we are down to one teenager and we find ourselves  the proud parent of 3 adults.  Babies having babies is one thing, but adults raising adults is quite another.

Today is the first of 5 days that I will make up a new holiday.  It is going to be called Adult Children Appreciation day.  Here are some facts about the Holiday that I am making up right now.

Adult Children Appreciation Day was created by David Roller in 2024 to commemorate that all his children were now adults as the youngest had turned 18 that winter.  Adult Children Appreciation Day was first celebrated on April 1st, 2024.  Adult Children Appreciation Day is held the Monday after Easter.  Mr. Roller (That's Me.) says he chose that day because it had been a family tradition for him to go to Walgreens the day after Easter and buy Easter products for 1/2 price or less.  Dave's oldest daughter loved Bunnies and this was the most cost effective time to buy bunny themed gifts,  

Even though the first Adult Children Appreciation Day was on April 1st, it is not associated with April Fools Day at all.  Mr. Roller chose Springtime to celebrate this holiday as spring is associated with growth and all growing things mature to some sort of adulthood.

Since The original ACDA was on   April 1st and April 1st  is also National Greeting Card Day, the creator of Adult Children Appreciation Day gave greeting cards to each of his adult children telling them about qualities they are developing that He appreciates.

If you and your adult children are together on Easter Sunday that is a good time to give them a note or a card showing how much you appreciate them. The Next 3 ACDAs will fall on April 21, 2025, April 6, 2026, and March 28, 2027

Here is what my kids look like now ...

I happen to be typing this post at a local library a few days in advance of the challenge.  In the past 2 months I have  visited 14 local libraries as part of the Library Lover's Expedition.  I mention this because April 1st is also Library Snapshot Day an annual day that celebrates the importance of libraries.  I am planning on writing apost for each of the 14 libraries I visited for the challenge later this year.  For today I will just post a few of the snapshots I took at some of the libraries.

 Today's Song of the Day is Any Other Way by Andy Gullahorn

Andy Gullahorn and Jill Phillips

I am a big Spotify guy and have soooo many playlists that  I have created.  I have made a special play list for the A to Z challenge.  By the end of the month it will contain all 26 songs featured here.  For now it just contains the A song.

Every good beginning must come to an end. Hopefully you have appreciated Adult Child Appreciation Day. There are still (at least) 25 more holidays to enjoy and a few more for me to make up. In your comments if you have adult children let me know what you most appreciate about them. I will try to make some guide comment solicitations for each day, but feel free to comment anyway you want.

To go to the home of the A to Z challenge click here, to see the 2024 master list of participating blogs click here. Enjoy the 2024 A to Z challenge, and Happy Holidays!


Jamie Ghione said...

I have noticed a lot of unusual and bizarre celebration days. Looking forward to seeing what other such days you focus on. An interesting theme.

Wendy said...

Great start to the challenge and you've obviously done a lot more planning than I have. It's an achievement to raise kids through to adulthood. I have 3 adult kids too and I definitely count them as one of my best achievements in life. Between them they've produced 6 grandkids so we're now on to the next generation. Hopefully there is a day for celebrating them too.

suesconsideredtrifles said...

This post was fun to read, Dave. Hope your challenge goes well.

Janet said...

Great post, Dave. We have three adult children as well, one still lives at home. I remember the days of driving them to school, at one point each one going to a different school. I called it "making the loop" around the city. It will be nice to have the alphabet playlist at the end of the month. I'm always looking for something to listen to when I'm out walking the dog.

Debby said...

We have adult children, and this made me smile.
I say, why not have this holiday!!! I'm all in.

Kristin said...

We have 6 adult children and 7 adult grandchildren. There are also 5 grandchildren under 10. No great grandchildren. What I realized recently is how I planned and looked forward to those childbearing/raising years and how rapidly they passed. One thing I appreciate about my adult children is that they help and support each other and us. And what a good job they did/are doing raising their children.

Idea-ist @ GetLostinLit said...

I don't have children but I think it's a great idea to give them a positive note on a day...sometimes it's just nice to be nice. Idea-ist@GetLostInLit

Sue McPeak said...

Congratulations to you and your adult children. Very creative and fun post in celebrating a job well done raising kids and their raising you. They have a way of doing that...or least mine did and now the grands keep me entertained and educated in a whole new way. Fun start to the Challenge.
Visiting via the Master List.
Sue at WhereBluebonnetsGrow

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

They grew up fast!

Ronel visiting for A: My Languishing TBR: A
Abominable Wraiths

A Quote to Start Things Off


Pictures of Memories I

Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23