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Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Busy (But Awesome) Weekend

A Weekend is a beautiful thing. This past weekend had it all romance, international intrigue, the lowest lows and the highest highs and cheesecake.

It started on Friday morning. Instead of the regular day at school we had a library day. We went to the library near my folks house as I would be doing an errand with my Dad later in the day. (More on that in a bit.)

Our youngest has been little miss panic lately. The moment I get out of the car with the express intentions of going around and letting her out she starts screaming at the top of her very able lungs "Don't leave me, don't leave me!" Usually at time one of the oblivious twins (They're not twins) starts to talk to me about something, seemingly unaware that the screaming soprano is in the middle of her aria.

Well I solve the crisis at hand and the four of us go into the library. Now I brought some of the kids work and wanted them to start on it right away as Lucy played. Nobody wanted to do anything I wanted them to. So, I gave in and gave them some free time. By this time I was quite frustrated with the three of them and when Lucy told me she found a new friend to play with, I was sarcastic with her.

By God's grace I regrouped. Formulated a plan to get the kids to do their work. Implemented the plan and interrupted Lucy's play time to tell her that Daddy had been unkind to her and ask her for her forgiveness. She forgave me, which is good. Now, I am pretty sure she did not understand that I had been sarcastic, but even so it was important for me to admit fault even to a 3 year old.

The rest of the time at the Library was uneventful, until Lucy had "an accident" on one of the libraries chairs. Which is very eventful. It was the kind of accident that requires a change of clothes, which I had not brought with me. There have been so many outings this year where I have had the change of clothes, and never needed it and on those occasions where there's no change of clothes, I usually end up needing them. So I apologized to the librarians, who assure me that such behavior is quite common. But seemed genuinely thankful and surprised that I told them what had happened and where. I feel sorry for anyone who just happens on such a discovery. We made a hasty retreat from the library and got to my folks as they pulled up. I got Lucy's clothes in the washer and my Mom took care of the kids while my Dad and I were off to Keith's house.

For people new to this blog, Keith is my youngest brother, and he passed away in April. About 6 weeks prior to that my Father had knee replacement surgery. Before the surgery My Dad was one of the most active man in his 70's I know. He is constantly on the move, between projects and 2 part time jobs and bridge and the list goes on he is always in movement. It is very difficult to believe when you see him sitting down more than 5 minutes at a time. But after the surgery, he has had to slow down quite a bit. He works very hard 5 days a week at rehab. But that takes most of his energy and wipes him out for the rest of the day. He had just gotten back from rehab when I got to his house. He needed me to drive and do most of the work on removing a desk in Keith's house and installing a new one. Work that he could normally do 3 to 4 times quicker and better than I could. We worked hard and got the job completed, we were able to donate the desk to a local Salvation Army rather than have to store it in his garage and deal with it later. We had some good talks about Keith, but being back in that house and seeing my Dad aging before my eyes, made it for a sobering afternoon.

It was close to 7 when we got back to my folks house. My Mom had fed the kids lunch and Dinner while we were gone. We drove back home and I took Amy out for a date. It was about 8:00 by this time. We went to a Mexican restaurant, that we enjoy. There was an NBA game on their television. The show was being telecast in Spanish. It reminded me of my years in Russia. How on Sundays they would play an NBA game on the television and of course it was dubbed in Russian.

Amy and I had a nice dinner and good conversation. We then went to the park district and walked 2 miles. It was a relaxing yet invigorating end to a excellent but difficult day.

In writing this portion I have decided that while this weekend took 3 days to live that I will take 3 days to recount it. Tomorrow's installment starts with a marriage conference. I will close today's installment with a comic strip I did, about something I did not learn at the marriage conference. My apologies to Cristina at Home Spun Juggling, for calling my work a comic strip. I merely thought of the concept and let the Internet do the rest. For a truly excellent strip check out her blog.

Next Time: A Busy (But Awesome) Weekend Part II, Come for the Conference Stay for the Cheesecake


jugglingpaynes said...

At least the weekend finished with cheesecake!

I love your comic! Except in our family, it's my youngest who tends to hear "blah, blah, blah." :o)

I so empathize with your library experience. That has happened to us more than once. I started leaving an extra set of clothes in the trunk. By the time I needed them I would discover they were a size too small.

I keep trying!

Peace and Laughter,

AmyR said...

I forget to tell you that this is a narrative of very heavy duty proportion!!!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25