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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You must be proud.

It's Thursday and it's time for three things from me to you, the reader.

1) Starts with a movie quote ...

Karen: He likes to butt things... with his head.
Nathan: How proud you must be.

From the 1989 movie "Parenthood"

Well it's not exactly butting things with his head but here is one of Charlie's many antics:
Now I have better footage of that where my daughter is not oblivious of the camera work, I am doing. But I like that one. It shows the commotion that is lunch at the Izola Becker Home School. Charlie has been climbing the walls lately. This is actually a doorway, but he actually has been shimmying up the hallway on a regular basis. I am encouraging the doorway and discouraging the hallway as the doorways are much easier to clean. But the point dear readers, is he climbs well, and for that I am proud.

2. To Tweet or not to Tweet. Yesterday I read two very good posts one advising why they love twitter and the other explaining why they don't. I have no real opinion on the matter. I have no desire to use twitter, but neither do I find it socially repugnant. Laura @ Heavenly Homemakers has this opinion in Twitterless. Amy at Mom's Toolbox shares her take in Twitter: Why I love it and how to get started.

3. Shameless Carnival Promotion. I am hosting a carnival next Wednesday. It is the Carnival of Homeschooling. And like in any good carnival, you need a huckster. SO, step right up home school parents and students. Join the carnival by submitting a post by 7 p.m Central Monday night. You can click here to submit a post.

So that's my submission for 3TTT for this week. For more of the fun and excitement go to Psalm 104:24.

Next Time: In Which I Review a Book.


~*Michelle*~ said...

Holy Shimmying, Spiderman! Cool!

I would love to participate in your carnival.....what type of post/info are you looking for, Oh Hosting One?


Laura@HeavenlyHomemakers said...

Thank for the link! I really appreciated your comment yesterday quoting Mark Twain. That says it perfectly.

Dave Roller said...

Michelle, any post on homeschooling is fine. It could be something you have already done as long as it hasn't been in a previous issue of Carnival of Home Schooling. You may want to check out the last carnival which will give you an idea of what other people have submitted.

AmyR said...

What a cute little boy you have there Dave!

jugglingpaynes said...

My kids have climbed our hallway walls too. Tell your son to put his back to one wall and his feet on the other wall. It gives better leverage so that you can stay up longer. ;o)

RYC: Of course I know FBOFW! It is linked on my sidebar!

Peace and Laughter,

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25