- Write a post based on the word shopping.
- Write a post in exactly 10 sentences.
- List ten of your favorite comic strips (from the newspaper).
- Write about a time when you laughed at an inappropriate time.
- Write about a joke (practical or otherwise) that did not go over well.
- List things you oddly obsessed about as a child.
Many of the Out There Comics like Far Side and Rubes take place in a panel rather than a strip. I think this is why I like Non-Sequtir so much it often appears in strip form strip rather than a panel. For more about Non-Seutir click here.
By Samsz - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5250404765 I have tried hard not to rank these comic strips or even say that they are my top 10 favorites. They are just 10 of my favorites. Peanuts, however, will always be my favorite strip. I'm sure that my love for comics strips grew from my love for Peanuts. I once tried to learn French, just so I could read the French edition of a Peanuts anthology at our library. This strip is from the day I was born. For more Peanuts click here. |