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Sunday, April 28, 2024
The Progressive Poem is Here!
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Poetry Friday: For The First Time
I hope you are not confused by the title of this post. It is simply the name of the weekly blogging event I am participating in, and the title of my poem which will appear therein.
I did not mean to imply that I was participating in Poetry Friday for the first time. This, in fact, is my 4th appearance in as many weeks. Prior to that, I was an irregular reader of some of the entries through links to some of the other poetry blogs I follow. My blog is not a poetry blog as such, it is more a mixed bag of miscellany in the shape of a blog. It is true that I am certainly on a poetry kick these days. While this is not the first time I have posted on Poetry Friday, this is the first poem I have written specifically with this blogging event in mind.
I really enjoy these blogging events. Back when I was homeschooling my kids, and this blog was called Home School Dad, I participated in weekly blogging events called Three Things Thursday, Works for me Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday, and my favorite the Carnival of Homeschooling. Some of my favorite posts in my 13 + years of blogging were when I hosted the aforementioned carnival.
In a few months, I will be hosting one of the Poetry Friday's which I am very excited about and have already begun drafting. One thing I will put an end to, at least for the week I host it, is this whole Poetry Friday on a Thursday thing. This is very typical of all the blogging events I've ever participated in. If you want to be one of the first posts on the Linky list, and who doesn't?, you need to post the day before. Now I must ask you my fellow existentialists, is it really Poetry Friday when you post it on Pre-Poetry Thursday?
Therefore, When I host in August, my post will drop at 11 p.m central time on Thursday Night. That's because it will be Friday in New York City and if that's good enough for New Year's Rocking Eve it's good enough for me.
I believe that's more than enough pre-amble/rant. Here is my poem for the week ...
For The First Time
Meeting someone
Is like
Into the middle
Of two movies
They walk into yours
You walk into theirs
You both walk into
What could be
The pivotal scene
Of your lives
Poetry Friday is being hosted this week at Reading to the Core.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Fragments of rants, thoughts, and feelings.
B, our governments checks and balances and our current 2 party system and free elections show that we have no dictator leading us.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Occasional Rants: Primarily Speaking
While I appreciated the mention, I was especially tickled by the phrase "Occasional Rants". I thought that would make for a pretty good segment here. So here is my rant for the occasion of political primaries.
The Illinois Primary was last Tuesday. I voted in it, as I do in most elections. I voted in every contest listed on my ballot. I tried to do as much homework as I could in deciding who to vote for. I even took Spider Droid to see one of the Presidential candidates speak.
Because I have been asking for a Republican ballot in primaries for better than 2 decades, I get targeted by Republican pollsters and candidates come election time. For example, I received no less than 15 calls from representatives of one of the Republican Presidential Candidates in the 4 days prior to the Illinois primary.
Not once in any of these calls was I told why to vote for this candidate, a former governor whose name fits him like a glove. I was only told repeatedly why not to vote for one of his opponents, Rick Santorum.
It has been repeatedly said of this robocalling Republican that since he has run a successful business, he will know how to use our money. I don't think so! He doesn't even know how to spend his. He outspent all the other candidates in the Illinois election and not once with all that money spent, did he tell me why to vote for Him.
It turns out that all the spending did not get my vote. If the calls were enough to dissuade me from voting for Santorum, I would have simply voted for another one of his opponents. He had 15 opportunities to tell me why to vote for Him and failed each time. This candidate, okay, okay you dragged it out of me, Mitt Romney, ended up winning in Illinois by a pretty good margin. On Tuesday I heard his victory speech on the radio and when he finally got around to telling me why I should vote for him he had some convincing reasons why I should support him. They might not have swayed my vote, but I would much rather heard them before I voted rather than 14 hours after. Sure, I could have researched him on my own, but if a guys gonna call you 15 times shouldn't that provide you with all the information you need to get about Him?
Following up Romney's victory in Illinois, one of his top advisers was asked about his social policies. Here is what happened . . .
I found this particularly disturbing as every one of Romney's 15 calls were about Santorum flip flopping to the left on social issues. It seems Romney's plan is to outspend his opponents telling voters why not to support his opponents. His adviser's comments make me wonder if the reason why he doesn't tell social conservatives why to vote for him is because he doesn't have anything to say.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Local Anesthesia?
Think Local. Drink Local. GPS Needed.
There are many unusual things about me. Here are just a few that relate to today's rant.
1) I listen to the radio quite often.
2) I pay attention to the commercials.
3) I notice discrepancies between fact and error (in advertisements and other programming.)
4) When I notice these discrepancies or abnormalities, I talk back to the radio as if it could hear me.
While I am for the most part a Chicago White Sox fan, I listen to quite a few Chicago Cubs games. A long time sponsor of Chicago Cubs baseball is Old Style Beer. For the past few years Old Style has had the advertising catch phrase: Think Local. Drink Local. They have had several different radio ads over the past few years but the idea is to tie in the Old Style product with being authentically Chicago.
This is not a bad idea, as I have been following the Cubs since the early 70's and Old Style has been connected to the team and the broadcasts as far back as I remember.
The thing that gets to me is at the end of the commercial after they have made the whole think local, drink local, pitch they announce the name of the company and where there company is from: G Heileman Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Hey! So, let's get this straight. Chicago Cubs fans should think local and drink local by buying beer from a company in a different state?
This year, the ads have been about how to "Kraeusen (the sytematic way Old Style is brewed)" different Chicago institutions. The idea is that since Kraeusening makes Old Style better, the ads tell how to make other typically Chicago things like 16-inch softball better. So when these commercials come on, I usually talk back to the radio and say: here is how I would Kraeusen this commercial, I wouldn't talk about how great it is to be local and then say: "Hey, we're not even from here."
One of the first years this campaign was on the radio, the Cubs and the Milwaukee Brewers fought for the lead in the division almost all Summer. Ironically, the company championing being local had their offices in a town where most of their residents were cheering against the Cubs.
The crazy thing is I don't drink alcohol at all. So Why does a non-beer-drinking Sox fan get all worked up about beer commercials primarily played during Cubs games? If I could answer that question, my therapy bills would be so much lower.
Now that you know that I think loco, head back to Six Word Saturday at Show my face dot com.
A Quote to Start Things Off
Pictures of Memories I
These Blogs Are SO 2024
An IndyCar Girl in NASCAR Territory3 weeks ago
Ready Or Not4 weeks ago
List Your Way5 weeks ago
On Wednesday, after the election …2 months ago
Grief: A Brief Description4 months ago
Goodbye to WordPress6 months ago
REFLECTIONS8 months ago
Maybe I Can8 months ago
Treasures everywhere6 years ago