I have some good news. I just saved 15% by switching my insurance to Geico. No, my news is better than that. The A to Z Challenge is coming to a blog near you and I am very excited. The event begins in earnest on April 1st, but on March 12th you can participate in the theme reveal at A to Z challenge.com.
I love the A to Z challenge. I don't think it's any great stretch to say that I am still blogging in no small part due to the A to Z challenge. From 2012 to 2021 I participated nine times in the challenge. Over that time I have entered 5 of my blogs in the challenge sometimes as many as 3 in the same year.
I love almost everything about the challenge. I love reading other people's blogs and commenting on them. I love how so many of the blogs I currently have on my blogroll have participated at one time or another in the challenge. I love creating a theme and disciplining myself to post 26 times on that theme. I especially love putting things in alphabetical order. I think I'll put that last sentence in alphabetical order: "alphabetical, especially I in love order. putting things" (Yes, I put the punctuation marks in alphabetical order as well. Who Wouldn't?)
Every year until they make the big announcement I get a little concerned that maybe they won't be doing the challenge this year. I'm a weird dude, 49% optimist, 49% pessimist, and 2% milk in a glass half full. But I have been blogging for a long time and I've seen lots of blogs and blogging events be lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry Clementine over the years. So when I heard the A to Z challenge was coming back and better than ever I was stoked.
Since I am so jacked that the Challenge is on, I decided to announce my theme a little early this year. My 2023 Theme is A Month at the Movies.
2692117 © Laura Domenica Cantisani | Dreamstime.com
I have been posting a lot lately about films. I am spending this year revamping my 100 favorite film list. I am trying to watch 12 new movies to me this year and post about them here. I have been thinking about a simple movie theme for the challenge for the past few years. I say a simple theme because in the past, I have participated in the challenge at more than one blog at a time, and last year I had 3 themes in one challenge: home runs, limericks, and wordle starting guesses. Compared to those 26 movie reviews will be a walk in the park, but not A Walk to Remember, as my A film will be Arsenic and Old Lace.
The A to Z Theme for 2023 is resiliency. With each film I choose, I will incorporate how that film demonstrates resiliency in one way or another.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but I am super excited about this year's A to Z challenge. I'm so excited that I've already thought of my theme for the 2024 challenge. Since I'm already in full reveal mode, and since my ADHD will probably interfere with remembering it for next year I'll just reveal my 2024 A to Z challenge theme now. The 2024 theme will be Narnian characters and creatures from A to Z. My working title is Narnia: From Aslan to Zardeenah.
Before I get too far ahead of myself here are the important dates for this year's challenge.
March 12th - March 18th: Theme Reveal
April 1st: The Letter A
April3rd -April 8th: Letters B-G
April 10th -15th: Letters H-M
April 17th -22nd: Letters N-S
April 24th-April30th: Letters Letters T-Z
May 1st - May 6th: A to Z Reflections
May 15th: A to Z Road Trip Begins
Check out A to Z challenge.com for more information I may have missed. Click here for more on the Theme Reveal. Click here to see who has signed up so far.