Here goes .. .
Do you ever break into song?
The other day we learned that a friend of ours told his wife that he doesn't believe that people ever actually break into song. My wife quickly replied that at our house it happens all the time. Neither Amy nor
myself will ever be confused with champion crooners. I can carry a tune in a bucket, but I generally have a better use for the bucket, so the tune suffers. This doesn't stop us or the kids from spontaneously combusting a tune on a frequent basis.
I grew up in a family that would break into song at the drop of hat. When
it was discovered I had no musical talent, they just made sure that no hats were dropped near me. In the family we are raising our children , the hats fall with abandon. We make up songs, make up new lyrics to old songs or just sing it the regular way.
So my question in an I like New York in June fashion, is
how about you?
What are your thought about breaking into song and entering into melody?
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