A Quote to Start Things Off

Somebody told me there was no such thing as truth. I said if that's the case then why should I believe you" -Lecrae - Gravity

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Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23

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Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Tonight Show: A History of Hosts


  Steve Allen 1954- 1957


Jack Paar 1857-1962


  Johnny Carson 1962 - 1992


  Jay Leno 1992 - 2009 and 2010 - 2014

Conan O'Brien 2009-2010

Jimmy Fallon 2014 - Present

Sunday, February 21, 2021

 I like spotify. I only use it sporadically, but when I do, I go to town. I especially like creating playlists. I recently created a playlist entitled 40% Stonehill. Of the 25 songs I have on the playlist so far 10 have them are from Randy Stonehill. If you do the math that means 40% of the songs on the playlist are stonehill songs.

The other night I listened to 10 of the songs and am going to write a little bit about each one.

Photo by Anton Hooijdonk on Pexels.com

Song 1: In Jesus Name - Randy Stonehill from The Lazarus Heart (1994)

Thoughts: I love everything about the bridge in this song.

The Lyrics: Mercy is the miracle by which we stand. Mercy that comes pouring down from nail scarred hands. Mercy pouring out from nail scarred hands.

The Guest Artist: Stonehill employs Michael W Smith to sing the bridge and MWS nails it.

The Signature Move: The bridge hits it's powerful climax with the requisite yeah yeahs that Smitty is known for.

Song 2. If I Stand - Rich Mullins from Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth (1988)


This album contains the song Awesome God that propelled Mullins to the top of contemporary Christian music at the time. However, it is the lyrics from If I Stand where the album derives it's title. Also this song is imbued with much more lyrical depth and sheer poetry than Awesome God. If I Stand is one of many fine songs on Winds O Stuff O (my nickname for the album) that along with Awesome God displays the passionate genius of Mullins.

Song 3: It's Now - Randy Stonehill from Can't Buy A Miracle (1988)

Thoughts: It had been quite a while since I had heard this song. Of all the Stonehill songs mentioned on these 10 songs it may be my least favorite. However, I do like this rocking anthem and was struck by how timely the lyrics are 1/3 of a century after it's original release.

Think about 2020 and consider these lyrics:

The world is spinning faster,
It's out of control, it's out of control,
In the air is the smell of disaster,
No running away, it's time to say who we're gonna choose to make our master.

Song 4: I'm A Punk - Alan Sherman

Thoughts: I'm a Punk is a song from the 1971 cartoon adaptation of the Cat in The Hat. Even though my family grew up listening to the music of Alan Sherman, I didn't realize until recently that Sherman had provided the voice for T Geisel's titular cat, This song reminds me of a first person version of you're a mean one Mr. Grinch,

Song 5:We Were All so Young - Randy Stonehill from Edge of the World 2002

This song about the beginning of the Jesus Music era features many of the pioneers of the Jesus Music era, which I guess is the point.

The Guest Artists: Larry Norman, Phil Keaggy, Annie Herring, Noel Paul Stookey Barry McGuire and Love Song.

Song 6 Deep Calling Deep - Margaret Becker from Grace 1995

I'm a big fan of Maggie B. Deep Calling Deep which opens her 1995 album Grace (The follow up to Soul and the end of her 1 word album phase) goes along way to explaining why. Soulful. wistful, haunting and rocking all in the same package. an

Song7: American Fast Food. Randy Stonehill Equator 1982

Have you ever had a moment that started as a dream come true and ended up a nightmare? Thia aong reminds me of one such time. A few years ago my family drove to Indinapolis to visit friends and watch Randy Stonehill in concert. It was an intimate gathering and Stonehill asked for a volunteer to belch during this song which is the high point of the song. I volunteered and totally biffed the belch. It took me a long time before I could appreciate this song again. Sorry Sir Stonehill. I'll tty not to bring it up again(belching humor).

Song 8: The Pirates Who Don't do Anything - Veggie Tales

I'm a big fan of Phil Vischer and all things Veggietales. I especially love silly songs with Larry. The song the Pirates who don't do anything really has had a life of it's own. I think it's the only song to have recurring parts in veggiedom. They came back to host the silly song countdown and were featured prominently in both veggie tales movies. Usually my favorite silly song is whatever I'm listening to at the time, but, this is the one I listen to the most. I still haven't been to Boston in the Fall.

Song 9: Finish Well - Randy Stonehill from Spirit Walk (2011)

The last Stonehill song of the 10 finishes well. Besides having a very similar melody as Randy's Stop the World it is a good song, My favorite line is chase the fickle butterfly of cool.

Song 10 Wind and Wave Jacob's Trouble from Door Into Summer (1989)

Jacob's Trouble is my favorite band to play ping pong to and Wind and Wave is one of my favorite songs of theirs. Instead of talking about them I'll just show a video of them performing it back in '91.


I hope you enjoyed this special glimpse into my musical tastes. It is something I hope to do again.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Dave Out Loud : Quick Random Takes Quiznos

The First QRT of 2021 and also the first time where we went with the first take rather than the 2nd.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

How to Get Through 2021: Shoulder to Shoulder

Last month I wrote about how to get through 2021 by advocating adherence to the lyrics of  Day by Day from the musical Godspell. I've been in a bit of a musical renaissance lately.  I've been listening to music for 2 to 3 hours each day and much of it has had an encouraging effect on my outlook on life.  

On the way to work, I listen to the same playlist each morning which features a lot of music from Allen Levi.  In a live concert Allen, who lives and has his recording studio on a Georgia farm describes how he saw two purple finches at the bird feeder outside of his studio.  The first was blind in his right eye and the second blind in the left eye.  

Levi wrote a fictional conversation from one bird to the other about teaming up "to make it through this obstacle course called life. "

Levi's finch also tells his prospective traveling partner that 

"If we travel all alone the danger's plenty but side by side were perfect 20/20."

This got me thinking about the obstacle course that was the year 2020 and how that 2020 was far from perfect in seemingly every aspect. 

2021seems to be shaping up like a movie called 2020: The year that wouldn't leave.  Political turmoil, Covid, Tom Brady winning another Super Bowl.  

If the answer to getting through this year is shoulder to shoulder, a new question that emerges is how do we do that 6 feet apart? 


I might suggest 3 ways.

1) Stay positive with each other.

Discontentment is a more infectious virus than even Covid. When one person complains a line soon forms so everyone can get in on the act. 

To stay positive with each other, you first need to stay positive yourself so you can pass it on to others.  In the same way, walking in step with positive people will help you combat negative thoughts and behavior patterns.

Consider the ripple effects of Phillippians 4:4- 9 ...

First have a pattern of rejoicing always (vs.4). add to that gentleness (vs. 5) remove anxiety by presenting your needs to God (vs 6 )and God's peace will guard your heart (vs. 7).  Then to cap it all off think and act only in ways that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent,  and 
praiseworthy (verses 8&9)

2. Encourage each other.

The English Standard (ESV) New International (NIV) and New American Standard (NASB) version of the Bible (3 of my favorite versions) all translated the 1st word of Isaiah 35:3 as strengthen.

ESV: Strengthen the weak hands,
         and make firm the feeble knees. 

NIV: Strengthen the feeble hands,
        steady the knees that give way;

NASB: Strengthen the exhausted, and make the feeble strong. 

In 1995 the NASB went through a revision and the verse is now translated ...

Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble.

When you think about it, encouragement is a kind of strengthening. And you have to admit that 2021 life is enough to make the strongest among us exhausted and feeble.  Words and acts of encouragement can provide an oasis in a barren wasteland. 

3. Find Common Ground

Acts chapter 17:16-34  is generally considered a passage that gives a blueprint on evangelism.  Paul in Athens is able to study the culture and then use the culture as a way of sharing the message of Jesus.  One ministry I know took this pattern and developed a method called ask, admire and admit as a way of presenting the gospel to others.

I believe that Paul's model can also be used beyond the scope of evangelism to promote unity.  As you may have noticed we live in an increasingly divisive society even among Christ-followers.  I sometimes think I can only use 24 letters on Facebook as I always seem to be minding my p's and q's. The thing about Facebook is that ideally our circle is composed of friends, relatives, and acquaintances with whom we once shared common bonds.  Sometimes it helps me to remember those bonds and post those memories as a way of strengthening those bonds rather than focussing on differences. 

In January I wrote that depending on God is a good way to get through 2021.  Depending on each other seems to be the next logical step as God created us to be in relationship with one another.  Working in concert through this obstacle course called life is much better than being each other's obstacles. 

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A to Z 2023 Road Trip

#AtoZChallenge 2023 RoadTrip