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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dave Roller, Daddy Extraordinaire!

Pardon my intrusion, but this is Amy, Dave's wife popping in for a moment. Dave's been busy lately being a dad and husband. He is teaching three different grade levels here at home, shuttling Lucy to ballet while exercising on the track with the older two, teaching two classes at our home school co-op, brushing a certain person's extremely long and curly hair, making a mean meat loaf, going to men's bible study, sweeping up countless (and he's GOOD at math!) crumbs, and treating us all with love and good humor. Didn't you all know, February 18th is national Dave Roller appreciation day?

1 comment:

sweetnika said...

HOOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!! Bravo!!!HURRAY!
(hear the sound of clapping all the way from the Big Blue House) as we celebrate!!!!!
and Appreciate Dave ROLLER Day!!!!!!!!!!!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25