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Thursday, July 6, 2023

Spiritual Thursday, Poetry Friday, Rejoicing in the Summer Season

 Carol Varsalona of Beyond Literacy Link is hosting this months Spiritual Journey Thursday.  I hosted last month and then went to Greece just a few days after that.  

Carol's Theme this month is rejoicing in the Summer season.  I technically was in Greece this spring as the official first day of Summer was June 21st this year and I left Greece on the 20th.  However I am going to use some of my experiences from the trip in this reflection as the trip took place on my "summer" vacation.  

Carol asked us to reflect on this Elanor Duse Quote:

"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the field has power to move you, if the simple things in nature have a message you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive"

As I reflected on the quote, I was reminded of the opening verse of Psalm 19 ...

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1

I got to thinking why we  don't always stop to smell the significance of God's creation.  It reminded me of my flight to Athens.  I had a window seat and it was a beautiful day out.  There was lovely view after lovely view as we approached our destination. Most of the passengers were not looking out the window.  Some were sleeping, others were reading.  The majority were on their electronic devices are watching the screen in front of their seat.  

The View Out My Window

God's glory in nature

Is always displayed

To see it, it helps 

When I roll up the shade.

My second thought about creation also has to do with my trip to Greece.  The above picture was taken on my first day in Greece at a place called the Areopagus or Mars Hill.  The Apostle Paul visited Mars Hill and even gave a sermon there.  You can read about in Acts 17: 16 -34.  Essentially Paul is in Athens disturbed by all the idol worship in the city, he is reasoning in the synagogue and gets an opportunity at Mars Hill to explain the new teaching he was proclaiming.  Paul uses the opportunity to talk about some of the things he has seen in Athens and to compliment the Athenians on some of their practices.  He also talks about a statue he had seen that was to an "unknown" God and uses that as an opportunity to proclaim the God of creation and share the story of Jesus.

There is a tendency to celebrate nature in a natural way and not as the creation of a creator.  Instead of talking about God many just deify nature itself referring to it as Mother Nature or Mother Earth but rejecting the biblical idea of a personal God who created it all. Instead of taking an antagonistic or combative approach to these differing world views, I think an approach like Paul used on Mars Hill is more suitable.  People who find inner peace, and contentment, and wonder from nature should be commended even if they do not believe in the God who created that beauty.  Like Paul believers should use that common bond, a spiritual regard, for nature as a starting point to talk about the God that the heavens declare the glory of.

Spiritual Journey Thursday is a gathering that takes place on the first Thursday of the month,  Click here to see the rest of the July installment.  I left for Greece on June 6th and returned on June 21st.  Today I started daily posts about my trip exactly one month after the trip began. Please join me for those reflections.  

I am also including this post at Poetry Friday for the brief poem inspired by this weeks theme and the picture I took from the airplane.  Marcie Atkins is hosting this weeks Poetry Friday.  Join in, by clicking here.


Margaret Simon said...

I love nature and find solace in poetry that speaks about nature. God is always there, holding me steady and helping me see beauty and be grateful.

Carol Varsalona said...

Dave, thank you for Psalm 19:1. It is a beautiful verse that is fitting as an introduction to your amazing trip. I especially liked that you shared the place that the Apostle Paul presented his sermon. It almost feels surreal. I am sure that you felt a vibe on that hilly area. Finding the blessing in nature created by the loving hand of the Lord is something wonderful to share. Thank you for your post and photos. Have a wonderful weekend with your family.

Karen Eastlund said...

Dave: Thank you for your thoughts and for sharing Paul's approach to others are Mars Hill. The beauty of the earth as seen from the air is breathtaking, I've felt it also. Many blessings.

Patricia Franz said...

Your poem is a perfect reminder, Dave - God doesn't insist we look or say thanks. God is. In all God's glory. I'm grateful to find that joy AND rest immersed in God's creation. I think Paul would agree.

Ramona said...

Dave, what a wonder to be on Mars Hill and contemplate the words that Paul offered there. I'm always in awe of the natural beauty that God created. However, this year I haven't spent much time outside. Too busy prepping for our move. There will be time after the move to soak up our new setting (if it's not too hot).

Rose Cappelli said...

Thanks for letting me travel to Greece with you, Dave. The wonders of creation are indeed all around us always.

Marcie Flinchum Atkins said...

This line rang really true for me: "When I roll up the shade" Yep! We have to pay attention!

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25