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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma

My Grandmother would have turned 101 today. Around these parts, we call that the Dalmatian birthday. She died a few years ago and I still remember one of the last things she said. I wasn't actually there, but Amy was. It sounded to me like she was talking to God and she said, "I can't go yet, I have great grand-children coming." One of those children was my youngest, who we were expecting.

The day before my Grandma's 95th birthday party I wanted to write her something special about how much she meant to me. I went through a couple of dozen drafts just to hone up on my basketball skills (I kept crumpling them up and throwing them away) until I came up with a keeper. I read it at her party and when she passed away two years later I read it again. I share it here in memorial of one of the finest people I have ever known.

1 of 29

I share a grandmother with 28 others

All of their sisters and all of their brothers

And even if we hadn't produced the next generation

She's still be a great grandmother in my estimation

Growing up Grandma could pick us each from the crowd

She knew who was shy and which ones were loud

Her love for our Grandpa was always displayed

He was her Jack, and she was his Babe

While our love and respect she has merited

I'd like to speak of the things we've inherited

Her sense of family and love for games

The memory of a pole with our heights and our names

So Grandma as I wish you a happy birthday

There's one more thing I'd like to say

While I maybe just 1 of 29

You made me feel like you're mine all mine

Next Time: A New Way to Cut Pancakes.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Life Sentence

Last week I discovered Six Word Saturday. My words for this week:

Picking berries and preparing for bunnies.

We have a berry bearing tree which we picked this week. We also are going blueberry picking as a family this weekend. Our oldest turns 10 in early September and we have been promising her a pet bunny on her 10th birthday for 1/2 her life. So we have been in full bunny prepmode around here. Hitting the county fair and talking with all manners of people. We have even been offered a free one. We are trying to make a decision in regards to which bunny and when.

To see other people's Six word summations are share your own head on over to Show My Face.

Next Time: Happy Birthday Grandma.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Strawberry Picking With Bunny Girl

Kids grow up quickly, I dig that. What I don't get is how this kid is now almost 10. It seems like yesterday that this picture was taken, and now shes just a month and change away from a second decade.
A few Saturdays ago, I read on my facebook page how a friend of ours had gone strawberry picking. I quickly went on the Internet and found a place that still had strawberries about a half hour from our house. Amy was in the midst of a recipe but I gobbled up Bunny Girl and off we went on an adventure. Much to her joy, they also had sugar snap peas available.  We spent an enjoyable hour picking both.

As we picked I was telling her how much I enjoyed just spending time alone with her. She looked at me and said I am going to remember this day for the rest of my life and when I have kids I will take them strawberry picking.
Now while pictures may be worth thousands of words that one sentiment was worth thousands of pictures, strawberries and sugar snap peas.

Next Time: A Life Sentence.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

June, July and August

I don't remember the first time I heard the joke, I have heard many variations through the years. The essence goes like this: Q: What are the best three things of being a teacher? A: June, July and August.

Last summer I lost my job and became the teaching parent in our home school family. My wife went back to her career as a school psychologist. My kid's school year ended the week before Father's Day, my wife's last day was the Friday before Father's Day. We are now in the midst of what amounts to be an 8 week paid vacation provided by our school district.

I would not go as far to say that these three months are the best things to be a teacher. Having this time with my family unencumbered by non-family concerns sure make Summer my favorite season. Before this it was Paprika.

Our main exploits this summer have been gardening, swimming, biking and reading. In addition we've been on a number of outings; some as a full family, some in partial strength.

In addition to our weekly cleaning day we made a list if "bigger jobs" we wanted to accomplish this summer and are knocking them out about one every week. I also am taking one afternoon a week to prepare for the school year and the two classes I will be teaching at the co-op this year.

When I was the "paycheck" parent I enjoyed the summer and tried to get as much time off that we could spend as a family. Having all five of us all home for this extended family time certainly works for me.

To see what works for others go to We Are That Family. Next Time: Strawberry Picking With Emma.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Pictures of Memories I

Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23

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