A Quote to Start Things Off

All of the beef I have with Religion has nothing to do with Jesus. Bob Bennett discussing his conversion experience on the 1 Degree of Andy podcast.

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Pictures of Memories I
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Monday, February 22, 2010

Video Shmideo

I am putting off my post about our recent trip to the zoo to share a few links to videos.

The son of an elder from my church, a home school student, has entered a contest that is hinged upon how many views his you tube video receives. This is an excellent video entitled Let's revolutionize higher education!. The idea presented here is revolutionary, and presented very ably. I encourage you to watch it and tell others about it.

The movie Star Trek Generations was on Hulu this week reminding me that I have it on videocassette. Charlie watched it last night and absolutely cracked up at a scene, that I had almost forgotten. We showed the scene to Emma and she just loved it as well. In the movie, the android Data is experimenting with an emotions chip. In the scene my children enjoyed he is asked by Commander Riker to scan for life forms. Here is the result.

Speaking of movies, I was reminded on the radio that today is the thirtieth anniversary of the miracle on ice. Yep, thirty years ago Herb Brooks and his US Hockey team defeated the Russians in the Olympics. Prior to the game coach Brooks gave the team a pep talk. Here is a rendition of that pep talk from the movie Miracle.

You may have already seen the you tube video of a 4 year old giving the Brooks speech. It's worth watching over again if you have. I really thought that was impressive until I saw him on Ellen. It is one thing to quote it in your living room, but something else entirely to recite it in fromt of t.v. cameras and a live audience.

Well that's all the footage I have time to present today. I hope you enjoyed it all.

Next Time: The Z Double O

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Six Word Saturday

Haven't been posting for a while. As my lovely wife shared in her recent guest post, I have been busy living. Today was no different. We had a Cub scout meeting tonight. Charlie is in the same cub scout den as his cousin who is 9 months older and 1 grade ahead of him. Charlie should really be a wolf bus since Bobby is a Bear, they are both Bears. We drive about an hour each meeting to get into Bobby's town and then an hour back. It makes for a long day and Charlie has not been too keen on all the travel.

But tonight was a little different. Tonight's pack meeting was the meeting where the Webelos kids become boy scouts. It was a 3 hour dinner/ceremony with entertainment afterwards. During the celebration all the Webelos's kids crossing over to Boy Scouts got to shoot an arrow into a target. Charlie loves archery and took some videos of it with my camera. Here is one of them . . .

After the shooting is over, the kids get to keep the arrow.

So I know that is a lot of talking before I get to my six words. SO here they are.

Charlie wants to get an arrow.

This means that Charlie doesn't want to quit Cub Scouts at the end of the year like he's been talking about for a while. I am not sure exactly what that will mean because the travel is exhausting. Perhaps we will switch him to a local pack next year. I will keep you all posted.

For more Six Word Saturday, head over to show my face dot com

Next Time: the Z double O

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dave Roller, Daddy Extraordinaire!

Pardon my intrusion, but this is Amy, Dave's wife popping in for a moment. Dave's been busy lately being a dad and husband. He is teaching three different grade levels here at home, shuttling Lucy to ballet while exercising on the track with the older two, teaching two classes at our home school co-op, brushing a certain person's extremely long and curly hair, making a mean meat loaf, going to men's bible study, sweeping up countless (and he's GOOD at math!) crumbs, and treating us all with love and good humor. Didn't you all know, February 18th is national Dave Roller appreciation day?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

You haven't seen ... ?!!!!?

Time again for Things this Thursday.

Thing # 1. Films seen and unseen

I watched the movie Hello Dolly last night. I had never seen it before. The movie is based on a musical which is based on Thornton Wilder's play the matchmaker. I think I saw the play in high school. I know I read it (Yes I used to read plays for fun!).

The Movie Wall-E was inspire by Hello Dolly and actually includes footage from the film. This made me even more interested to watch it. I enjoyed Hello Dolly. It is funny, and poignant. It made me wonder how I missed it all these years.

This got me to thinking about movies that seemingly everyone has seen except you. These conversations used to happen at work. I would be sitting with my coworkers and some movie reference would come up and everyone would talk about how great a movie that was and one person would have never seen it. I remember one guy had never heard of Rain Man, it was strange.

One movie I never saw was Platoon. When it came out all my friends said I should see it but no one would see it with me. They had already seen it once, and said it was too powerful to watch again.

If there are any movies that you have always wanted to see, that seemingly everyone except you has watched, leave a comment or post about it and link here.

Thing # 2 Dance Class Fever

Lucy is loving her ballet class. She loves to spin around and play all the dancing games with the other girls. It is definitely the highlight of her week. Her first recital is in May and she is so excited.

Thing # 3 CTRL
This past week I have discovered a quirky web based t.v. show called Ctrl. It stars Tony Hale who recently played the ultra nasty Emmet Milbarge on Chuck. The first 10 episode which originally ran last summer are about 5 minutes each in length and are available in their entirety at Hulu.
The basic premise of the show is that Iced Tea and computer keyboards don't mix. I have seen 8 of the 10 episodes so far and encourage you guys to check it out.

Thing # 4 Sickness Disease Update
I appreciate all the encouraging feedback I received about my posy regarding Amy's recent unexplained medical issues. It seems we have hit upon an explanation. The chest pain and arm pain seem connected to GERD which is like acid reflux. Amy is going to review this with her doctor next week, and hopefully that will be that.

So, those are the things this Thursday. I encourage you to come join the fun.

Next Time: Six Word Saturday

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#AtoZChallenge 2023 RoadTrip