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Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I stare at a blank page. What to write? What to tell you. What to share? Jimminy Christmas, it's cold out there. No, that's not what I want to write. Jinky's it's tough to write.

That's the last time I leave the computer unattended!! I mean I leave ONE minute to tuck in my daughter, and when I come back: gibberish. (Aka, my wife got ahold of the keyboard!)

No matter, I'll get back on track. AWANA! Awana is what works for me. If you are not familiar with AWANA click here.

Awana is like scouting, except instead of cookies and merit badges, you memorize bible verses. Who would want to memorize a cookie anyway? Emma is in Truth in Training which is for 3rd through 6th graders. Charlie is in Sparks which is for K-2nd graders. Next year Lucy will be in Cubbies. Each week the kids have a theme night such as sports night, or crazy hair night. I have so far been unsuccesful in my bid for Paint Your Neighbor's Spaniel Purple Night. But I understand that in these hard economic times, not everyone can afford purple paint.

Crazy Hair Night!

Last weekend was the Awana Grand Prix. The Grand Prix is very similar to the pinewood derbies I ran in as a cub scout. Charlie and Emma both entered and we took some school time to design and paint the cars. As a family we did not fare very well in the races, but we still enjoyed ourselves. After the races the children's pastor preached a message of how important it is to finish the race of life in the winners circle by becoming a follower of Jesus. It was so reminiscent of the scene in "Chariots of Fire" where Eric Liddel preaches after a race he just won about running the race of life.

Awana, works for me because it meshes the spiritual with the other experiential components of growing up. It also works for me as a home school dad: we start school each day memorizing God's word. To see what works for other folks please click here to go to the Works for me Wednesday page at Rocks in my Dryer.
Next Time: Random Postings: The Guy Who Makes the Donuts


Sonshine said...

We love AWANA here too it is such a good way to get God's word hid in their hearts!! I take the time to work with them on their verses so I end up memorizing the verses with them.

Our Grand Prix is coming up at the end of next month. The kids have their designs all done now it is just taking time with dad to go to grandpa's shop to cut the blocks of wood. :)

Unknown said...

"Jinky?" Wow, crazy Scooby-doo flashbacks. Rut-ro! Sounds like a lot of fun. I 'm glad you and the kids get quality (and quantity) time together. Keep up the posts and press on to the end.

Anonymous said...

Awana is one thing we really miss. The kids, and us, always looked forward to Wednesday nights.
Surely if you just watered down the purple paint there would be enough for everyone, even those on tight budgets. :)

A Quote to Start Things Off


Pictures of Memories I

Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23