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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A is for Allen Levi (Person)

Today is the end of Blogging from A to Z 2015 26 posts in 30 days. Wow! I have had so much fun.


Today is actually the first day of Blogging A to Z. My theme this year is nouns. So evaryday in April excluding Sundays you will get a blog about a person place or thing.

Today we start with a hero of mine, Allen Levi. I first met Allen in 1995 at a concert at my church in South Carolina. I have only seen him 4 times in the past 21 years. Each time at one of his concerts. The last time he and I met us was in 2004 at my surprise 4oth birthday party. He provided the music. Allen was an attorney and left his practice to become a full-time musician. Here is footage of him in his former habitat a concert.

I say former natural habitat because he recently did another career change and became a judge. Here is a video explaining the job change.

For More A to Z Blogging click here.

I participated in A to Z blogging back in 2012. To see what I wrote April 1st 2012 click here.


Unknown said...

I got misty-eyed when Allen was talking about his brother...
I'm close to my own sisters, and I always pray that I can grow old with them because they really are my best friends.

Thanks for sharing these videos Allen's story here.

Jeff Bach said...

Seems like a great theme. Have at it noun man. Myself, I'm more of an adjective guy, although in my weaker moments I confess kinship with participles. I aspire to verbs someday when I grow up, of the active sort mind you, never those heathen passive sorts.

betty said...

How interesting he went from attorney to musician to judge. But then I guess the same could be said for my hubby who is also a musician and the various jobs he's held over the years :)

good theme for your A/Z!


A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25