A Quote to Start Things Off

Somebody told me there was no such thing as truth. I said if that's the case then why should I believe you" -Lecrae - Gravity

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Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23

2024 A to Z Challenge

#AtoZChallenge 2024 badge

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Progressive Poem April 12th

 Some of my fellow poets who contribute at Poetry Friday are working on a progressive poem for April's National Poetry Month.  I signed up for today and then quickly forgot about it.  Thanks for all the reminders on my J post for the A to Z Challenge.

Here is the poem so far with my line on the bottom,

Suddenly everything fell into place

like raindrops hitting soil and sinking in

When morning first poked me, I'd wished it away

my mind in the midst, muddled, confused

Was this a dream, or reality rousing my response?

The sun surged, urging me to join in it's rising.

Rising like a crystal ball reflecting on morning dew.

I jumped out of bed, ready to explore the day

My feet pull me outside and into the garden

Where lillies and bees weave ... but wait what's that?

A bevy of bunnies jart and dart and play in the clover.  

A dog barks and flash, the bunderstorm is over. 

That's my line and I'm sticking to it.  Tomorrow, Irene Latham at Live Your Poem contributes the next line.  

The rest of the participants can be found on the sidebar of Another Year Of Reading.

We now interrupt the a to z Challenge for a poem

 My daughter Emma and I signed up for a progressive poem this month and then clean forgot about it with all the revelry brought by my 25th wedding anniversary yesterday.   On my 15 minute break from work I am catching up hers for April 11th and will have mine early this afternoon. 

A progressive poem is a poem where different poets contribute one line at a time.  Here is what we have so far including my contribution for Emma at the last line:

Suddenly everything fell into place

like raindrops hitting soil and sinking in

When morning first poked me, I'd wished it away

my mind in the midst, muddled, confused

Was this a dream, or reality rousing my response?

The sun surged, urging me to join in it's rising.

Rising like a crystal ball reflecting on morning dew.

I jumped out of bed, ready to explore the day

My feet pull me outside and into the garden

Where lillies and bees weave ... but wait what's that?

A bevy of bunnies jart and dart and play in the clover.  

I'll be back later today for my line in the poem.  

J is for Jesus Revolution

 A to Z Challenge

A Month At The Movies

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter J

Hello and welcome back to A Month at the Movies,  my contribution to the A to Z challenge for 2023.

This year I am copying from a myriad of other A to Z  challengers by reprinting the same synopsis about my theme with every letter.  You can skip over this part if you want to.  

I love movies and have decided to share with you a movie each day that I have enjoyed to one degree or another.  With each entry, I'll give a brief synopsis of the film, share a positive and negative review from Rotten Tomatoes ( a website, I didn't use much at all until preparing for the challenge), discuss its resiliency (the theme of the A to Z challenge this year), and other tidbits like whether the film may appear in my top 100 film list, which I have been revamping this year. I think that's enough in the way of introduction, considering you'll be reading it (hopefully) 16 more times this month.

Film: The Jesus Revolution (2023)

Directors: John Erwin & Brett McCorkle

Picture from Light Magazine Article Chuck Smith: Father of The Jesus Movement 

The Jesus Revolution is the most recent movie included in the challenge this year.  Its story goes back more than 50 years and was inspired by the events depicted in the Time Magazine cover story shown below.  Ultimately that story is inspired by the story of Jesus told in the Gospels. 

Time Magazine June 21, 1971
Cover Credit Stan Zagorski

Positive Tomato: Intriguing and occasionally inspiring...the acting is consistently strong, especially by Jonathan Roumie. There are heroes here, but no halos as the true-life characters live through problems and flaws. Michael Medved - The Michael Medved Show

Negative Tomato: Jesus Revolution takes a fascinating period of American history - the hippie movement and its associated fallout within the Christian co
mmunity - and transforms it into a bland, TV movie-of-the-week experience. James Berardinelli - ReelViews

The movie tells the story of the Jesus movement by focusing on these  4 characters: 

Chuck Smith portrayed by Kelsey Grammar best known for his long career playing Frasier Crane on Cheers and then Frasier.  

Lonnie Frisbee played by Jonathan Roumie best now for playing Jesus in The Chosen.

Greg Laurie is played by Joel Courtney and Cathe is played by Anna Grace Barlow. 

Lonnie Frisbee & Chuck Smith

Kelsey Grammar & Jonathan Roumie

I liked this movie and especially liked the  warts and all approach of the characterizations.  Each of these characters is flawed.  Each of these characters makes mistakes.  Some of you who know the historry of these events know that not all the mistakes some of these characters made are mentioned in the movie.  Some have suggested that this means a white-washing of the events. I don't land that way.  If a two hour movie was made about me many of my foibles, sins, and setbacks would not be seen.  I have more than 2 hours of foibles, sins and setbacks in a day let alone a life time,  However, that each of these characters are shown as human rather than superhuman it is easier to see the divine in them,

Resiliency: The resiliency of this story flows from the title.  The actual life , death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was relevant and powerful enough to capture the attention of the Hippie movement and then the world. Easter was days ago where Christians all over the world celebrated the greatest event in history.  If that's not resiliency, I don't know what is.

Top 100: Like I said I really enjoyed this movie and would  recommend it highly. However, I doubt that it will be in my top 100.  First of all, I generally need to watch a movie at least twice before I can know for sure whether it's top 100 material.  But I usually have a better sense for when it isn't.  

A TO Z Connections: This is the second movie to depict Christian ministers (Chariots of Fire). This is the 4th movie, to depict historic events (Chariots of Fire, 42, and Hidden Figures).

Next Time: Kuh Kuh King

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

I is For It's A Wonderful Life

 A to Z Challenge

A Month At The Movies

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter I

Hello and welcome back to A Month at the Movies,  my contribution to the A to Z challenge for 2023.

This year I am copying from a myriad of other A to Z  challengers by reprinting the same synopsis about my theme with every letter.  You can skip over this part if you want to.  

I love movies and have decided to share with you a movie each day that I have enjoyed to one degree or another.  With each entry, I'll give a brief synopsis of the film, share a positive and negative review from Rotten Tomatoes ( a website, I didn't use much at all until preparing for the challenge), discuss its resiliency (the theme of the A to Z challenge this year), and other tidbits like whether the film may appear in my top 100 film list, which I have been revamping this year. I think that's enough in the way of introduction, considering you'll be reading it (hopefully) 17 more times this month.

Film: It's A  Wonderful Life (1946)

Director: Frank Capra

By National Telefilm Associates - Original 1946 film, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18061926

It's A Wonderful Life is a film that needs no introduction. 

Positive TomatoCapra remained true to classical Hollywood narrative, conceived and directed here, it is true, with almost hallucinatory skill. The scenes of tenderness are capable of penetrating the armor of even the most skeptical critical mind. Andre Bazin - L'ecran Francais

Original Trailer

Negative Tomato: Capra is an old-time movie craftsman, the master of every trick in the bag, and in many ways he is more at home with the medium than any other Hollywood director. But all of his details give the impression of contrived effect. Manny Farber - The New Republic

By National Telefilm Associates - Screenshot of the movie, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17631672

Resiliency: My favorite moment of resiliency in the movie is when the Bailey's use their wedding gift money to get their Building & Loan customers through the run on the bank. 

Top 100: It's Actually in the Top 1.  It's A Wonderful Life is my favorite movie of all time.  Starring Jimmy Stewart, my favorite actor of all time, and directed by Frank Capra, my favorite director of all time.  

By National Telefilm Associates - Screenshot of the movie, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17596045

A to Z Connection: This is the 2nd movie on my list directed by Frank Capra (Arsenic and Old Lace). 

Next Time: Just a movie about a revolutionary movement. 

She's A Wonderful Wife

 I have a routine when it comes to my A to Z  challenge posts. I schedule the time of the post for the date of the post.  For example, today is April 11th or numerically 4/11 so I would generally schedule my post for 4:11 a.m. so people could see it as they were checking their computers in the morning.  

This by the way is not an A to Z post but I am posting this at 4:11 in the morning because April 11th is a very significant day in my life.  It is the day I married my wife Amy. Today is almost as significant as that day as it is our 25th wedding anniversary.

I have scheduled my A to Z post at 4:11 p.m. It talks about my favorite movie It's A Wonderful Life.

In that film, the main character gets a glimpse of what life might have been like if he was never born and gets to realize what a wonderful life he had.

In December of 2005, our 3rd and final child was born and 2 days after they were released from the hospital I rushed Amy to the emergency room.  They did tests and her heart was working at 10% capacity.  I remember driving back from the emergency room to my house with 3 children between the ages of 3 days and 6 years old and I got a glimpse of what my life might look like If Amy was gone.  I prayed on the way home and asked God to restore her to health.

Thankfully  Amy was back to 100% use of her heart and her kidneys and was home to our family in a few short days. We were never given an adequate reason for the occurrence but we believe it was due to a lack of proper hydration after the C-section. 

I really didn't need an angel to show me the worth of my wife.  We were best friends for 8 years before she signed the Marry Dave Agreement. She takes the best care of me and our children.  Often preparing and perfecting foods for us that she doesn't even like to eat.  While she is just a sinner that said I Do, she is a loving, Godly influencer on me and our children.  

I have had the opportunity in the past 5 years to substitute teach in the same building where she works as a school psychologist.  I have never seen anyone take their job so seriously and still love on the children and show compassion and concern to the teachers, administration, and parents. We also have worked side by side the last 2 summers working concessions at a ballpark where she would bring sunshine even in a two-hour rain delay. 

So you see she really is a wonderful wife.  Happy Anniversary Amy.  You really do complete me.

A to Z 2023 Road Trip

#AtoZChallenge 2023 RoadTrip