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Friday, March 8, 2024

A to Z Challenge 2024 Theme Reveal

AtoZChallenge theme reveal 2024 #atozchallenge

 March 10th is the official theme reveal for the 2024 iteration of the A to Z challenge.  Last year I actually announced my theme for 2024 here a year early while announcing my theme for 2023. In that post I stated, 

"The 2024 theme will be Narnian characters and creatures from A to Z. My working title is Narnia: From Aslan to Zardeenah."

Well it turns out, I lied.  Lied is a strong word.  I miscalculated.  Almost every year for the last 35 years I have reread each book in the Chronicles of Narnia.  Last year when I made the announcement, I had not yet started on my literary pilgrimage to Narnia and thought the idea of reading the books would help in making the alphabetical list of entries.  

I ended up reading a sum total of zero Narnia books in 2023.  While it's true that  I could easily journey from Archenland to Zalindreh, my heart was not in it.  I chose to abandon  delay my Narnian sojourn for another time (Although I would prefer to do all my blogging in Narnia, as no time would pass while I was writing).  

I then toyed with the idea of having no theme and simply blogging about something new from A to Z each day.  I liked that idea quite a bit, but then it occurred to me, I would have nothing to say at the theme reveal.  I then thought of having an overarching theme but leaving it wide enough to choose the individual topics the day they were due.  That also seemed a little problematic as I often suffer more from topic block than it's cousin writer's block.

Holidays by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free 

 Finally I thought of a topic that would give me both flexibility and stability.  I decided to blog about Holidays.  However instead of A is for Arbor day, C is for Casmir Pulaski Day (It's A Chicago Thing), I will be focusing on lesser holidays, the kind you would find at sites like the National Day Calendar or What is Today Holiday's like National Take A Poet to Lunch day which takes place on January 6th each year, the holiday that inspired this poem.

My process this year is each day of the challenge to post about a holiday that is taking place that day.  Some holidays like April Fools day on the 1st would match very well for the letter of the day.  Others will take a little pushing to make it fit the letter of the day.  April 2nd for example is Children's Book day. If I choose that holiday, I would have a title like B is for Books for Children. 

In addition to actual holidays, I am going to also create 5 new holidays as part of my list, including ways to celebrate these new festive occasions.   

Recent A to Z Challenges

2023 A Month At The Movies

2022 Limericks, Homeruns, & Wordles (Oh My!)

2021 A to Z People who were alive in 1921

2020 State (& Other) Capitals

Each year on Spotify I make an A to Z playlist for the year.  At the end of each post I will have a link to the song for  that day .

I am very excited about this Holiday edition of the A to Z challenge.  To learn more about The 2024 A to Z Theme Reveals click here, if you are ready to participate in said reveals click here, and finally if you are looking for a spreadsheet of who is already participating this year click here.


Susan Sanderson said...

Good to see you taking part again, Dave.

Frewin55 said...

This feels like family reunion day - and I like the idea of Take a Poet Lunch Day!

Writing Sparkle said...

Fun theme. I wonder, is there a Bloggers or Blogging holiday? See you April 1, Dave.

JazzFeathers said...

Kind of sorry you didn't go for the Narnia theme. I will admit I haven'r read the series yet. It's been on my TBR pile for ages, but somehow Tolkien always takes the upper hands with me.LOL.
Yet you have a great theme nonetheless.
Have a great Challenge!

I'm revealing my theme here

Mystee said...

Stopping in to take a look at your theme and wish you a happy March and a wonderful April. Can't wait to read more during April! ♥

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Oh! This will be a lot of fun. It's been decades since I read the books.

Crackerberries said...

Oh boy ! This sounds wicked fun... It's always neat to have a holiday to celebrate something. In fact my hubby was just giving me a hard time because I found a reason to spend money yesterday on a vintage doll (Mrs. Beasley) and I begged to differ. I think we should celebrate something every day...even the breath we take. Looking forward to seeing the holidays!

DA Cairns said...

I can see how much you like the 'challenge' of the challenge. All the best from another Dave. I'll be checking in.

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Sounds like a fun theme!

Ronel visiting for Theme Reveal for A to Z Blogging Challenge 2024

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Landing on a good theme is always a task... :) But this one sounds like it will be fun!

The Multicolored Diary

Torie Lennox said...

I love the random holidays that show up on the National Day-style calendars! This is such a fun topic, and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Salem Devina said...

Fantastic theme reveal! I can't wait to explore your posts during the A to Z challenge in April. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this creative journey. Here’s a link to mine -

Lisa said...

A very fun theme. I love those "holidays" and events!

Harvey Heilbrun said...

Definitely looking forward to following your A to Z blog entries again this year. See you in a few days.

Jamie Ghione said...

This is a great theme. I'm going to have to see what you post. I've noticed a lot of National ____ Days lately. Some very weird ones.

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25