A Quote to Start Things Off

Somebody told me there was no such thing as truth. I said if that's the case then why should I believe you" -Lecrae - Gravity

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Pictures of Memories I
Snow kidding! These "kids" now range from 17 to 23

2024 A to Z Challenge

#AtoZChallenge 2024 badge

Thursday, May 11, 2023

My last 500 days of 50

Last 500 Days of My Fifties

5/12/2023 - 9/22/1964

 I'm in my late 50's.  I was born in 1964, the last year of the Baby Boomers.  

The year before  I turned 50, I wanted to do something special to commemorate my last year in my 40's.  On or about my 49th birthday I was with my family visiting the  elks in Elk Grove Village.  Elk Grove Village is a suburb of Chicago located near O'Hare airport, It is where I grew up and where my parents lived until very recently.  There is a forest preserve in Elk Grove that extends into neighboring towns like Schaumburg.  Ever since I was a kid there has been a herd of Elk maintained by the Forest Preserve in Elk Grove.  

As my family watched the elk,  an idea came to me.  I could write a limerick, and  post it on Facebook every day until I turned 50.  I wasn't completely successful in my quest, but I do believe that I wrote and posted over 300 limericks over that time period.  Why limericks? I never did figure that one out, but I think I owe a lot of the personal poetry renaissance I have been going through the last 15 months due to my year of limericks.

As my mid 50's turned into my late 50's I have been thinking how to celebrate the last part of my 6th decade.  No "elks" moment has hit me and I'm not sure my FB friends want a year of haikus or anything like that.

A couple of months ago an idea came to me that instead of having some special activity, I could just be more purposely reflective during the time.  I decided since my 50's were ending that I could perhaps extend the year   to 500 days.  So starting tomorrow I find myself in the last 500 days of my 50's.

Today is May 11th so that means that there are 20 full days left in the month.  There are 30 days in June, 31 in July and August and 22 days before my birthday in September.  That's 134 days before my birthday. There are usually 365 days in a year, but 2024 is a leap year so there are 366 days from  September 23rd, 2023 and September 22nd 2024. Some may wonder why I don't count until September 23rd, my birthday.  The answer, of course, is because that will be the first day of my 60's.

So, what do I plan to do with this time period that 1150% greater than Lent? First of all, give it up for Lent, it's a great religious observance, and it doesn't get nearly the credit it deserves.  I'm not sure really.  I think what I'll do is when I'm reflecting on my adventures in ageing, or perhaps doing something for the last time in my 50's I might blog about it here.  But mostly I'll do what I encouraged my 11 year old future sister in law to do 8 years before I courted her sister, and that is cherish the time.  

In the Bible we are encouraged to number our days. By delineating the last 500 days in my 50's I am inviting myself to live purposely.  It is of course very possible that I publish this post and then regular life and my ADHD conspire that I never think about it again.  This is part of the reason why  I'm publish posting this on my blog and on Facebook so I do pay  attention during these final days of my fifties.

Dear Facebook friends, this doesn't mean that there will be no more limericks.  It just means I'm commemorating the end of this decade differently than I did the last.  In fact, I think I feel a limerick coming on now:

I really thought it would be nifty

To write a limerick a day 'til I was fifty,

The days in my  fifties are numbered

I only have left 500.

I'll live them up, cause the will end swiftly. 

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Poetry Friday -The Ampersand

 The A to Z challenge is over and now I can get back to my regular life for awhile. That means I can start  posting some of my poetry here again.  

Last month I participated in my first official poetry reading. The poetry group I attend with my daughter at our local library had all the poets who attend that wanted to read their works at a special Poetry month celebration. The poems I read ranged from being 9 months to 30 years old but on the walk to the library on the day of the reaidng. this poem popped into my head.

The Ampersand

The ampersand is very grand

When he is on vacation

He looks real great, is never late

For he is punctuation

The ampersand stands in for and

When and is on hiatus

He tells parentheses to let it be

When question marks berate us

He says to dash - don't be so brash

Because you are in morse

Without me

AT&T could never stay the course

The ampersand don't understand

Why pound signs now hashtag

The at signs name is apersand

Which really is a drag

The ampersand don't hang out late 

At exclamation point

But saves the drama for the comma

When he gets out of joint.

Check out all the other Poetry Friday fun and whatnot hosted this week by Teacher Dance by clicking here.


Monday, May 1, 2023

April Stats

 The A to Z challenge is finished. It is now May and time to look once again at how many times I posted last month.  I posted 38 times in the month of April that's 12 more posts than January Through march combined. At this rate I will have 192 posts for the year.

I of course, wont be posting at this rate for the rest of the year but I would like to try to average 10 or so posts for the rest of the year, so we will see what happens.  

Sunday, April 30, 2023

A Month at the Movies End Credits

#AtoZChallenge 2023 Reflections

  Last Month I participated in the A to Z Challenge.  My theme was A Month at the Movies.

The Films I examined were ...

Arsenic And Old Lace (1944)

Breaking Away  - 1979 

Chariots of Fire - 1981

Dave - 1993

Empire Strikes Back, The -1980 

(F) 42 -2013

Gattaca  - 1997

Hidden Figures -2016

It's A Wonderful Life -1946

Jesus Revolution -2023

King's Speech, The- 2010

Last Full Measure, The - 2020

Man For All Seasons, A - 1966

North by Northwest - 1959

Ordinary People - 1980

Persuasion - 1995

Quiz Show - 1994

Return To Me - 2000

Silverado -1985

The Muppet Movie -1979

UHF -1989

Vertigo - 1958 

When A Man Loves A Woman -1994

X-Men: First Class -2011 

You Can't Take It With You -1938

Zootopia -2016

A Closer Look

  • 5 of the movies are from before 1964 (before I was born)
  • 13 of the films were made between 1964 and 1997 (before marriage)   
  • 8 of the films were made since 1998 (since I've been married)

Each post contained my thoughts on the film, a positive and a negative Rotten Tomatoes review,  a comment referencing what the film had to say about resilience, which was the theme of the A to Z challenge this year, a comment regarding whether this film might be in my top 100 films of all time (a list I'm in the process of revising), and any connections the film might have with other films in the challenge. 

Previous Years Challenges 

2012: No Theme

2015: Nouns

2015 White Sox Home Run Hitters (Crazy Uncle Dave's Sports Blog)

2016 Y is for You Tube - Dave Out Loud

2016 Cubs Home Run Hitters - Crazy Uncle Dave's Sports Blog

2016 A to Z  Superheroes (Sadly I no longer have access to these posts)

2019 Songs of the Sherman Brothers Random Acts of Roller

2020 State and World Capitals Random Acts of Roller

2021 Living in 1921

2022 Wordles, Limericks, and Home Runs (Oh my)

Reflections on 2023 

At times I wondered when quoting negative and positive reviews of each film whether people might be confused about how I felt about the film.  Other times I felt a little bit of guilt in posting a negative review of a film I adored.  However, my intention was to show the reader the spectrum of opinions that a movie no matter how well done can engender.  In the end, I was gratified that I could find well-reasoned arguments on both sides regarding the quality or lack thereof for each of my selections. 

For the most part, this was another good year at the challenge.  I did not interact with as many other blogs as I would have liked to.  I don't think I looked at any blogs other than my own for the last week of the challenge.  Each year I tell my wife that I should have all the posts written before the challenge starts.  I never get anywhere near that goal.  This year I had a few fully prepared in advance, but I had set up each post in advance and had added good chunks of information ahead of time.  For example, I had the graphics copied to the individual posts about 2 weeks ahead of time and the Rotten Tomato reviews were linked usually the Sunday before the week they appeared.  I also in retrospect was wise because I finished Z and Y completely before the challenge, so when Friday hit and challenge fatigue was at its highest, I was essentially finished with the challenge.


Did each film represent your favorite film with that letter?

No, some films were, and many films were not. Adventures of Robin Hood is one of several A movies that are in my top 100, whereas Arsenic and Old Lace will probably not make my top 100.  Arsenic and Old Lace was the one I chose to feature.

Did you have certain criteria for choosing each film?

I wanted each movie to have had a theatrical release, and I wanted it to be a movie I had previously seen and enjoyed,  Other than that I did not have specific criteria.

Did you rewatch each movie in anticipation of the challenge?

No, but I did rewatch some prior to writing my post and watched others on or near the day the post dropped.  I watched You Can't Take It With You this afternoon with my wife as a post-challenge treat.

Closing Remarks

I think that there should be a week or so between the end of the challenge and the beginning of the reflection period.  Reflection shouldn't be rushed and rest and reflection walk happily together.  Of course, I want my reflection to be near the top so more people can read it, so I eschewed the rest and am finishing my reflection on the challenge before the challenge has officially finished.  

In that vein, I would not start the A to Z Road Trip until Memorial Day.  On the positive side, I think it's grand that there will be at least one post a month on the challenge blog for the rest of the year.  I did one of those posts in February 2022 and would be honored to step in again if asked. 

Next Year: I plan on an A to Z look at characters from The Chronicles of Narnia.  Each year since 1983, I have been reading all the books at least once and this year when I do I'll begin making a list of which characters will appear here in 2024.

A to Z 2023 Road Trip

#AtoZChallenge 2023 RoadTrip