A Quote to Start Things Off

Somebody told me there was no such thing as truth. I said if that's the case then why should I believe you" -Lecrae - Gravity

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2024 A to Z Challenge

#AtoZChallenge 2024 badge

Sunday, April 30, 2023

A Month at the Movies End Credits

#AtoZChallenge 2023 Reflections

  Last Month I participated in the A to Z Challenge.  My theme was A Month at the Movies.

The Films I examined were ...

Arsenic And Old Lace (1944)

Breaking Away  - 1979 

Chariots of Fire - 1981

Dave - 1993

Empire Strikes Back, The -1980 

(F) 42 -2013

Gattaca  - 1997

Hidden Figures -2016

It's A Wonderful Life -1946

Jesus Revolution -2023

King's Speech, The- 2010

Last Full Measure, The - 2020

Man For All Seasons, A - 1966

North by Northwest - 1959

Ordinary People - 1980

Persuasion - 1995

Quiz Show - 1994

Return To Me - 2000

Silverado -1985

The Muppet Movie -1979

UHF -1989

Vertigo - 1958 

When A Man Loves A Woman -1994

X-Men: First Class -2011 

You Can't Take It With You -1938

Zootopia -2016

A Closer Look

  • 5 of the movies are from before 1964 (before I was born)
  • 13 of the films were made between 1964 and 1997 (before marriage)   
  • 8 of the films were made since 1998 (since I've been married)

Each post contained my thoughts on the film, a positive and a negative Rotten Tomatoes review,  a comment referencing what the film had to say about resilience, which was the theme of the A to Z challenge this year, a comment regarding whether this film might be in my top 100 films of all time (a list I'm in the process of revising), and any connections the film might have with other films in the challenge. 

Previous Years Challenges 

2012: No Theme

2015: Nouns

2015 White Sox Home Run Hitters (Crazy Uncle Dave's Sports Blog)

2016 Y is for You Tube - Dave Out Loud

2016 Cubs Home Run Hitters - Crazy Uncle Dave's Sports Blog

2016 A to Z  Superheroes (Sadly I no longer have access to these posts)

2019 Songs of the Sherman Brothers Random Acts of Roller

2020 State and World Capitals Random Acts of Roller

2021 Living in 1921

2022 Wordles, Limericks, and Home Runs (Oh my)

Reflections on 2023 

At times I wondered when quoting negative and positive reviews of each film whether people might be confused about how I felt about the film.  Other times I felt a little bit of guilt in posting a negative review of a film I adored.  However, my intention was to show the reader the spectrum of opinions that a movie no matter how well done can engender.  In the end, I was gratified that I could find well-reasoned arguments on both sides regarding the quality or lack thereof for each of my selections. 

For the most part, this was another good year at the challenge.  I did not interact with as many other blogs as I would have liked to.  I don't think I looked at any blogs other than my own for the last week of the challenge.  Each year I tell my wife that I should have all the posts written before the challenge starts.  I never get anywhere near that goal.  This year I had a few fully prepared in advance, but I had set up each post in advance and had added good chunks of information ahead of time.  For example, I had the graphics copied to the individual posts about 2 weeks ahead of time and the Rotten Tomato reviews were linked usually the Sunday before the week they appeared.  I also in retrospect was wise because I finished Z and Y completely before the challenge, so when Friday hit and challenge fatigue was at its highest, I was essentially finished with the challenge.


Did each film represent your favorite film with that letter?

No, some films were, and many films were not. Adventures of Robin Hood is one of several A movies that are in my top 100, whereas Arsenic and Old Lace will probably not make my top 100.  Arsenic and Old Lace was the one I chose to feature.

Did you have certain criteria for choosing each film?

I wanted each movie to have had a theatrical release, and I wanted it to be a movie I had previously seen and enjoyed,  Other than that I did not have specific criteria.

Did you rewatch each movie in anticipation of the challenge?

No, but I did rewatch some prior to writing my post and watched others on or near the day the post dropped.  I watched You Can't Take It With You this afternoon with my wife as a post-challenge treat.

Closing Remarks

I think that there should be a week or so between the end of the challenge and the beginning of the reflection period.  Reflection shouldn't be rushed and rest and reflection walk happily together.  Of course, I want my reflection to be near the top so more people can read it, so I eschewed the rest and am finishing my reflection on the challenge before the challenge has officially finished.  

In that vein, I would not start the A to Z Road Trip until Memorial Day.  On the positive side, I think it's grand that there will be at least one post a month on the challenge blog for the rest of the year.  I did one of those posts in February 2022 and would be honored to step in again if asked. 

Next Year: I plan on an A to Z look at characters from The Chronicles of Narnia.  Each year since 1983, I have been reading all the books at least once and this year when I do I'll begin making a list of which characters will appear here in 2024.

Z Is For Zootopia

 A to Z Challenge 2023

A Month  At The Movies

 #AtoZChallenge 2023 letter Z

Film: Zootopia (2016)

Directors: Byron Howard & Rich Moore

2016 was a big year at the movies for Walt Disney Studios.  According to Box Office Mojo, they had 5 of the top 7 grossing films released in that year.  It was also a big year for animated children's movies with 3 of the aforementioned top 7.  Zootopia was 7th on the list grossing 341.3 million in the U.S. alone.

By gkaidan - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=42701886

                                                                         Zootopia - Disney Enterprises Inc. 
Zootopia features Ginnifer Goodwin (Once Upon A Time) and Jason Bateman (Arrested Development) as the voices of Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde a bunny on the Zootopia police department,  and a fox,    a hustler, and a condog (a male fox is called a dog, look it up.).

This movie follows the standard buddy cop movie plot.  A by the book, play by the rules cop is partnered with an informant who flaunts and plays fast and loose with the laws.  As they learn to work together they go deeper and deeper to uncover a vast conspiracy.

This plot also underlies the main theme of the movie that biases and prejudices don't really show what the true heart of a person, or in this case an animal is. 

Positive Tomato: Sure to speak to kids d grown-ups alike, Zootopia unfolds a poignant lesson about how prejudice can hurt people, but also how it can be overcome. And it does all this in a wonderfully fun film. Kristy Pucko - Pajiba  

 Negative Tomato: It just never fully settles into its own message or visual style. Deidre Crimmins - Cinematic Essential

Resiliency: Resiliency is a major theme of the movie.  It can best be summed up by the Shakira song that plays in the film. Try Everything.


The lyrics are chock full of what they call at my school, Growth Mindset.

Consider the opening verse:

I messed up tonight, I lost another fight
Lost to myself, but I'll just start again 
I keep falling down, I keep on hitting the ground 
But I always get up now to see what's next

The song continues:

Birds don't just fly, they fall down and get up.
Nobody learns without getting it wrong.

After the familiar chorus, the 2nd verse preaches even more resiliency:

Look how far you've come, you filled your heart with love
Baby, you've done enough, take a deep breath 
Don't beat yourself up, no need to run so fast 
Sometimes we come last, but we did our best 

Top 100: I enjoyed this film quite a bit, but it is nowhere near my top 100, I doubt it would even make the top 200.  

A to Z Connections: Bonnie Hunt who voices Judy's over-protected Mom also appears in Dave as a very eager White House tour guide. She co-starred, co-wrote, and directed Return To Me.  

Next Time: A to Z Reflection

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Y is for You Cant Take It ...

 A  TO Z Challenge 2023

A Month At The Movies

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter Y

This year I am copying from a myriad of other A to Z  challengers by reprinting the same synopsis about my theme with every letter.  You can skip over this part if you want to.  

I love movies and have decided to share with you a movie each day that I have enjoyed to one degree or another.  With each entry, I'll give a brief synopsis of the film, share a positive and negative review from Rotten Tomatoes ( a website, I didn't use much at all until preparing for the challenge), discuss its resiliency (the theme of the A to Z challenge this year), and other tidbits like whether the film may appear in my top 100 film list, which I have been revamping this year. I think that's enough in the way of introduction, considering you'll be reading it (hopefully) 1  more time this month.

Film: You Can't Take It With You (1938)

Director: Frank Capra

You Can't Take it With You film poster

You Can't Take It With You is your standard issue 1930's screwball comedy with the Frank Capra touch.  The below video does a great job in 9 minutes of recapping and reviewing the film.

The son of a Wall Street banker falls in love with the granddaughter of the person blocking the banker's money-making scheme.  Stars Edward Arnold, Lionel Barrymore, Jimmy Stewart and Jean Arthur.

Positive Tomato: It's one of the most amusing and satisfying pictures to be seen in months, and certain to be an enormous hit with audiences. Edwin Schallert - Los Angeles Times

Negative Tomato: It may be disappointment that any Frank Capra comedy should be heavy and overdone which makes You Can't Take It with You seem such a dud. Otis Ferguson - The New Republic

Resiliency: You Can't Take it with you is the oldest movie on this list.  It is celebrating its 85th anniversary this year. That its themes would still resonate with audiences today shows how resilient film can be.  

Top 100: This is one of those movies that I would tell you I think it would be my the top 100 and then wind up with 125+ films on my list.  It is definitely worthy of consideration and may end up making my actual list.  

A to Z Connection:  This is the third film featuring my favorite director Frank Capra in the challenge along with Arsenic and Old Lace and It's A Wonderful Life.  It is also the 3rd film featuring my favorite actor Jimmy Stewart (It's A Wonderful Life and Vertigo).  Speaking of 3s, it is the third film along with the aforementioned Arsenic and Old Lace and A Man For All Seasons to be adapted from a broadway play. This is the 5th and final Academy Award winner for Best Picture on my list.  The other 4 are A Man For All Seasons, Chariots of Fire, Ordinary People, and The Kings Speech.  The Kings Speech has also been produced on Broadway, but in this case, the play was adapted from the film, not vice-versa.

Next Time: Zoo-Dun-It?

Playful Math Carnival #164

 Welcome to the 164th edition of the Playful Math Education Carnival 

I am Dave your host for this month.   This is my first time hosting this carnival and I'm not quite sure what I'm doing.  But in true growth mindset lingo, I don't know what I'm doing yet.  As Dr. Teeth says in The Muppet Movie, "There ain't nothin' to it but to do it."

Thanks to the incomparable Denise Gaskins for giving me a chance to host.  Before we get into gear just a little bit more about me ...

I started this blog 14 years ago back when I was a home educator and this blog was named Home School Dad.  During that time I was a frequent participant and host of the Carnival of Homeschooling.  I loved that carnival and especially loved hosting it.  I also loved all the great math ideas I would see in Blogs like Denises.  

When I was a home educator, I would often teach math games classes at our local home school cooperative.  5 years ago when I became a substitute teacher I would love to see all the great ideas that the teachers I was subbing for and all the wonderful resources that are out there.  

This winter I became a building sub in my district.  When I'm not in for another teacher I go from class to class and am an extra set of hands, this usually will happen during Math and ELA instruction and I was hoping to share a lot of the games and activities the teachers use in today's post.

Unfortunately, almost immediately into the semester I started subbing for the P.E. teacher for almost 2 months, and now I'm subbing in a special-ed classroom for the rest of the year, so I haven't gleaned as many ideas as I hoped I would. I think though I have assembled some good stuff for this month's edition.  So let's give it a go. 

Remembering Our Past

Big shout out to 1001 Math Problems for hosting Carnival # 163

She began by telling us some info about the number 163 so I'll start by giving you a little info about 164.

164 hours is about a week.  In fact, if you take 164 hours  (6 days 20 hours) and add  164  minutes (2 hours 44 minutes then add  164 seconds  (2 minutes 44 seconds)  you would have a total of  6 days 22 hours 46 minutes and 44 seconds which would be approximately 1:15 minutes less than a week.

164 is what I call an A square B number.  It is the product of 41 times 2 squared. 

164 is the 22nd A squared B number. 

Numbermatics has some more information on good old 164 entitled  Number 164 - Facts about the integer

How Many Days Have I Lived?

Here is an idea I use as a parlor trick but have also been bringing into the classroom. This can be done on the whiteboard or smart board with one individual or you could have each student do it on their own whiteboard, paper, or computer

First, have the student write their date of birth month date, and year.

Our example student was born ten years ago 4/28/13

The next thing I have the students do is write in one column 4-year increments from their birthday until the day before their birthday 4 years later.

Our example student:

4/28/13 - 4/27/17

4/28/13 - 4/27/21

Once you cannot add any more increments of 4 years then you go by single years

4/28/21 - 4/27/22

4/28/22 - 4/27/23

Hopefully, while you are explaining this you'll get a student or two who will tell you that they don't have to do all that, the birthday person just simply needs to multiply their age times 365 and that will show how many days they've lived.

I will go ahead and have them make the calculation but then I'll go back and have them write out a 2nd column showing how many days they actually lived in a 4 year period:

4/28/13 - 4/27/17            1461

4/28/13 - 4/27/21            1461

4/28/21 - 4/27/22              365 

4/28/22 - 4/27/23              365

I will then have them add the 2nd column up and compare it to their calculation. (1,462 to 1,460).  At some point, a student will realize the first calculation did not account for leap days.  I would then ask is this how many days our birthday friend has lived? I will then remind them that they lived today so they have lived 1.463 days.  

Movies and Math

I have spent most of this month blogging about movies for the A to Z Challenge.  

Over at Mashup Maththey posted 10 Best Math Movies For All AgesThis list included my H entry for the challenge, Hidden Figures.

Katherine Johnson - One of the Nasa computers featured in Hidden Figures
Click here for a brief biography of Katherine Johnson from Mathigon

April 11th was my 25th wedding anniversary
and it made me wonder if there were any math milestones in April.  

It turns out that April 11th, 1936 is the day Konrad Zuse  (who looks in the picture below like a combination of baseball broadcaster Harry Carey and cartoonist Charles M Schulz.) filed a patent for the automatic execution of operations while working on the first German computer, the Z-1.

On April 11th 2020 mathemetician , John Conway died of complications to Co-vid 19.  The above referenced link to April 11th,1936 contains this quote which I think is apropos to a Playful Math Carnival :

...You get surreal numbers by playing games. I used to feel guilty in Cambridge that I spent all day playing games, while I was supposed to be doing mathematics. Then, when I discovered surreal numbers, I realized that playing games IS mathematics.


 Denise Gaskins of Denise Gaskin's Let's Play Math presents Thinking Thursday: Invent A Game 3.

Her journaling prompt about variations of tic-tac-toe got me thinking of other pen-and-paper games like the dot game.  I did some research and learned about a game called Chomp. 

By Lord Belbury - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=86379139

 I'm sure that all of you out there are probably more familiar with it than I was., but just in case here is a video describing the gameplay.  

While researching this game I got to thinking of the 1999 classic book The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar Fraction Book.  

I don't write many math posts on my blog, but if I did I would write posts entitled "Why do all the good children's books go out of print?" If I were a bookstore owner I'd always have 3 copies of this book on my shelf.  

Teachers who don't have access to this book can borrow it virtually from Internet Archive.

I decided to make a version of Chomp for fractions. I call it Fraction Chomp, but I'm very creative with my titles. It's played exactly like described in the video except all grids should have pieces that are divided by 12 (examples 3by4, 8by3, 6by8,...) The players "chomp" a fraction of the pieces off the grid.  The fractions they can use or 1/2 1/3/ 1/4 and 1/6.  The play continues until one player can not make a fraction of the remaining pieces that is a whole number.

Imagine a 3 by 4 grid ...

  • The first player chomped 1/3 of the pieces leaving  8 left. 
  • The 2nd player might chomp 1/4 of the remaining pieces leaving 6 left. 
  • The first player would then chomp 1/3 and 4 would remain.  

At this point if the second player then chomps 1/4th of the pieces he will eventually win since their opponent will have no choice but to chomp 1/3 allowing the second player to chomp 1/2 and the first player will lose.  

However, if player 2 chomps 1/2 of the remaining 4 pieces they would lose as player 1 would also chomp 1/2 the remaining pieces for the victory.  

Kudos to Ontario Math Links who I am using 2 of their links from their article, Math Links for Week Ending April 21,st 2023. (Crazy Person Note: The week did not end on April 21st, 2023, it being a Friday and all) 

The first was from Medium blogger Sunil Singh who posted Number Hive: The Clever Gamification of Factual Fluency.  I had played Number Hive before it's like Connect-4 with multiplication.

The second link isn't a game but could still be fun in a group.  It is from the blog Emergent Math and asks the question: Is The Subway Footlong Pass Worth It?

April was National Poetry Month 
I participated in an online progressive poem..  Each day in April A poet added another line to a poem and posted it on their blog.  Here is a link to the poem as of April 28th.  

This got me to thinking about poetry and math in 2 different ways.

1. Progressive Story Problems

Have one of the students write a story problem.  Then have a second student write another story problem that starts somehow with the answer to the first problem.  A man has 6 horses 2 goats and 2 sheep. How many more horses does he have than the other animals combined? The answer is 2 Horses. The next question might start with 2 horses weigh as much as 10 sheep.  The horses weigh a combined 2000 pounds what is the average weight of the sheep? The next question could start with about 200 pounds of anything and so on and so on.  

2. Fibonacci Poem Problems

A Fibonacci Poem or Fib is a poem whose syllables follow the Fibonacci sequence
They are typically 6 lines and follow the pattern
1 syllable
2 syllables
3 syllables
5 syllables
8 syllables

Here is one I just wrote about my favorite ball team's current streak of ineptitude

Lost nine
In a row
When they play again,
Will the losses amount to ten?

Fibonacci Math Poetry

Write a fib poem
That is also a math problem or a math statement.

For example as a statement:

Don't equal
11, you'll find
They actually* equal 9

*ak-sh-u-lee (4 syllables)    

As a problem:

Plus Nineteen
Is the same as two
Times what double-digit number?



Cindy at Our Journey Westward shares An Abstract Art And Living Math Activity Inspired by Kandinsky 

Going to bring it on home and end with this link from last year from Sarah at Math = Love52 Fun End Of Year Activities For Math Class.

I've enjoyed hosting for the first time.  Next time I won't sign up for my busiest month of the year and I will start preparing much earlier than I did,  Next month's carnival will be at Nature Study Australia 

Friday, April 28, 2023

X is For X-Men First Class

 A to Z Challenge

A Month At The Movies

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter X

This year I am copying from a myriad of other A to Z  challengers by reprinting the same synopsis about my theme with every letter.  You can skip over this part if you want to.  

I love movies and have decided to share with you a movie each day that I have enjoyed to one degree or another.  With each entry, I'll give a brief synopsis of the film, share a positive and negative review from Rotten Tomatoes ( a website, I didn't use much at all until preparing for the challenge), discuss its resiliency (the theme of the A to Z challenge this year), and other tidbits like whether the film may appear in my top 100 film list, which I have been revamping this year. I think that's enough in the way of introduction, considering you'll be reading it (hopefully) 2  more times this month.

Film:  X-Men: First Class (2011)
Director: Matthew Vaughn

Positive Tomato: Great action, riveting drama, real dilemmas, and interesting characters... X-Men: First Class is fun all the way. Nikhat Kazmi - The Times of India 

Negative Tomato:  Worst of all, the movie doesn't even look that great for all the money that went into it. David Harris - Spectrum Culture

The A to Z Challenge has, well, it's challenges.  One of those challenges is choosing topics for certain letters.  X is a very difficult letter to pick a topic for.  When I was in Highschool the movie Xanadau came out.  I remember watching it, but I don't remember much else about it, except I didn't think it was very good.  I was planning on reluctantly watching it again, but then I remembered the X-men franchise and decided that any of those movies would be better than watching Xanadu again.

I did not see this movie in the theatre but watched it on t.v. a few years after it came out.  It tells the story of how Professor X and Magneto formed the X-Men and then went on their separate ways.  It Stars James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, and Kevin Bacon.

I think it was clever to set the film during the Cuban missile crisis, the height of the cold war.  There are some aspects of the movie I wasn't too fond of, but overall it's decent entertainment.

Resiliency: Xavier has 2  major setbacks handed to him at the end of this film.  As this movie was set in the past and is based on well-known comic book characters, we know that Professox X had the resilience to get beyond both setbacks.  

Top 100: I will have 2  possible 3 superhero movies in my top 100, this will not be one of them.

A To Z Connection: This is one of two movies in the challenge that concerns itself with genetics (Gattaca).
Next Time: Your basic class comedy.

A to Z 2023 Road Trip

#AtoZChallenge 2023 RoadTrip