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Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I was saving this post for next month. But today I learned that Shannon, at Rocks in My Dryer, is taking a break from the feature she originated some 3 years ago. Instead of shutting it down entirely, she is letting another blogger (Kristen from We Are That Family) continue her tradition. According to Shannon's post explaining the transfer, she recently received so much positive feedback about WFMW, she changed her mind about cancelling it altogether. So today, I would like to tell you all why Works For Me Wednesday works for me.

As a stay at home, home school dad, a few credits shy of his Home Ec. degree, WFMW gives me the first clue on topics I know nothing about, and the next step in areas that I am growing in.

WFMW is also, one of the best formats for me to do my writing. I like sharing what things my family has done that make our life more productive and enjoyable. I love seeing the comments on my blog that there are others who can find them helpful as well.

Here is my WFMW routine:

1) I keep a list in my notebook of future WFMW posts. My goal is to have at least 4 post ideas written down at the beginning of each month, so I am not scrambling at the last minute for an idea. As of today, I have post ideas from now until 4/15/2009.

2) Sometime Monday evening or Tuesday morning I write my post for that week and save it as a draft. This morning when I began to write about gloves, I noticed Shannon's above referenced post and took this idea, which was 3 weeks away from my notebook.

3) When I come home from my Tuesday night home group, I publish my post and wait for Shannon to post hers. My goal is to be one of the first 25 posts on the list. My secret ambition, is to be in the top 10 every week. My dream, is to be the first one on the board. My dream that is so special you don't say it out loud (I am only writing this, NOT saying it out loud), to be asked to headline and be a guest blogger on WFMW.

That's not gonna happen. But, I was #10 two weeks ago. Shannon tricked me last week, I was all ready to link my wife's post when I saw Shannon's post about locating states. I got so into doing that, that I didn't get my post linked until the second 25.

4) After WFMW is posted and I am linked to it, the real fun begins. I read all the posts linked before mine. I always try to leave a comment where appropriate. As a man, I would feel very silly commenting on posts about make-up.

5) When I get to mine, I will sometimes read a few more before retiring for the day. On Wednesday morning, I check my post for comments. I will then read those posts, If I have not already. I spend the rest of the day between school and home stuff checking out as many posts as I can.

6) I am always looking for one idea that I can implement immediately. I don't want to say what last week's was. Let's just say I now have a sink that shines without any dishes in it.

So, that's why WFMW works for me and why I am so glad that Shannon started this tradition that Kristen is continuing. Blessings to you both. If you still don't know how to get to Rocks In My Dryer for Shannon's final pre-sabbatical WFMW, click here.

Next Time: Google is as Google does.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm definitely going to check out your one-on-one time with kids tips! Even as a stay at home mom, I definitely share the feeling that I am a few credits shy of my Home Ec. degree -- love that from your post here! And I, too, have learned so much from WFMW!

The Animator's Wife said...

That was a great tribute post!

Jane Anne said...

I breathed a big sigh of relief when I saw that Shannon decided to pass on WFMW. I have learned so much from other people's post. I enjoyed reading your thoughts about WFMW.

Upstatemamma said...

Very nice!!! I am glad that Shannon decided to pass it on as opposed to stopping. Thanks for the comment you left over at my place.

Krisi and Adam said...

Love your WFMW tribute. I don't think I have ever been in the top 100!!! And that definately means I don't read every post before me -- only the ones with subjects that catch my eye!

See you over at Kristens!

Susan said...

WOW I love how organized you are! I am one of those folks who is writing a WFMW post on Tuesday night! :)

Anonymous said...

ok... I HAVE got to say... you are "just a few credits shy of your Home Ec degree" has GOT to be the BEST line I have read in a LONG time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love ya Dave! miss doin life with you and Amy and the kids oodles :)
you all are a blast!

Toto Tay said...

that's cool! and funny, about writing but not saying aloud that dream. my wife and i have to do that with bragging about the kids, less it mysteriously becomes undone. keeps things humble-- but i'm just keyboarding this! i didn't say anything!!!

Tiffany said...

These are great tips. I like to try to plan a little early, but I feel like I'm doing well to have the week ahead planned. Good for you, Mr. Organized!

Thanks for coming by!

Elizabeth Symington said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting on the writing on the recycle can. It is a wonderful and much needed break to read a humorous blog. Your style is very thoughtful, informative with a good pace. I chuckled to myself when I read your bio about the porcupines. Thank you for making me laugh.
I'll be back to read more of your blog.

I was home schooled until 11th grade and loved it! It is wonderful that you are making the time to teach your kids. Another home schooler caught my eye on your blog list: home spun juggling. I'm also a juggler.

Have a wonderful day.

Bridget said...

Thanks for the tips on WFMW. I just found out about it and am waiting to start next week.

Looking forward to exploring more of your blog...I'm a homeschool mom. :)

Beth said...

Nice strategy! I always think about ideas for WFMW, but I'm not so great about writing them down!

AmyR said...

Hey Dave did I tell you that I think you're fabulous and I love you?

A Quote to Start Things Off


Snow Kidding!

Snow Kidding!
These "kids" now range from 19 to 25